There's a reasonable amount of material in this document, a bit of "they can't do this, it's unfair" and some scare tactics in the form of "This adverse impact will not be confined to the software industry or to Europe.", as if the decisions that the EC makes is going to affect US customers or any other country's (outside the EU) customers! This however did strike me as odd:
"The Decision requires Microsoft to make available to its competitors well over 100 communications protocols that provide a wide range of capabilities in Microsoft’s operating system products, including its synchronization capabilities.
It is also notable that the specifications Microsoft must now license do not yet exist. Microsoft will have to create them."
Microsoft don't have specifications for the communication protocols they use? What do they do when they want to know how protocol x works? Do they call Mr Jones who is the "protocol x" man? This makes no sense!
Oh well, we'll see what happens when this all goes to court.