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19:08 EST/00:08 GMT | News Source:
Posted By: Robert Stein |
Linux is not the low-cost alternative to Unix and Windows that many of the open-source operating system's proponents claim it is, a research firm said Monday.
Switching from Unix or Windows to Linux doesn't make sense for most mid- and large-sized organizations, said Laura DiDio, a senior analyst at Yankee Group who compiled the results of a survey of more than 1,000 IT administrators, chief information officers, and chief executive officers.
#1 By
10022 (
4/6/2004 7:41:55 PM
What is needed is a nice, easy to understand document (consisting of mostly charts and graphs) to show this to people that still believe all the Linux hype.
I have 2 managers and an admin that hasnt bothered to learn anything newer than NT 4 that are fighting our move to AD. (I mean really, how much confidence can be put in someone that was trying to assign a IP address! (boss, not admin))
They all want to believe its the perfect solution- cheap, easy and secure all by default.
The cheap hype dissapears really quick -- Linux enterprise software is not $0 free! (most managers are not aware of the diffences between free and Free!) and when combined with the added complexity of just about everything isnt quick so it isnt cheap!
Easy: yeah right, I would never get anything done if we switched to a Linux desktop because I would be in constant tears (laughter or sad) watching half these people try to use it all day. And since they are already local admins on their Windows 2000 machines lets give them root access for some extra fun!
I take it from that lack of bragging that the other manager was unable to get his new laptop to dual boot XP and Linux over the weekend (despite telling him some things to watch out for!)
Secure: The best thing was that our Linux servers were found to be vulnerable to that big kernel exploit a few months back WEEKS after the patch was out! Are they regurally patched now, probably not-- that means keeping up on stuff!
But if we do go all Linux at least I will continue to be able to use my outdated Office 2000 running with Code Weaver/Wine!! Yay Me!!
#2 By
21203 (
4/7/2004 1:22:24 AM
Linux has a place for servers, not clients. Not by a long shot. Even if you payed the full shelf cost of a WinXP Pro licence (300 smackers) you're still losing all that money down the potty in soft costs, productivity, downtime, etc, and all the reliability will be shot down by simple lack of usability (and don't get defensive, its just a fact that windows is far more usable than Linux for damn near everyone).
Unless of course your end users are linux gods too. Oh yeah, that costs more money.
The nutshell is that linux costs less for users that are already costing you more for being linux knowledgable. Ironic.
#3 By
12071 (
4/7/2004 3:40:41 AM
#5 So once again you're got nothing meaningful to say except to provide redirection. Halcyon-X12 provided a link where is shows just how independent this (and all of Microsoft's other studies are). Thanks for your input!
#7 "Linux has a place for servers, not clients."
Linux has a place wherever you want it to have a place - that includes servers, Tivo's, small electronic devices, routers, hardware firewalls and your desktop if you so desire.
"its just a fact that windows is far more usable than Linux for damn near everyone"
No it's not a fact =) If you've been using Windows for the last 10 years, sure, Windows is far more "useable" than Linux. However if you've been using Mac's (as an example) for the last 10 years, this is no longer a fact! The problem with your assumptions is that you are basing them on what you already know. Windows is easier to use than Linux because you've been using Windows for the last x years, not because Windows is somehow magically more intuitive! Stick a new user infront of a Mac, Windows and Linux and then you'll be able to get a more accurate grasp of which is easier and just how much easier it is.
That's not to say that I think Linux is easier to use than Windows or OS X, I don't think it is, but I do see a lot of effort going into making it just as easy (where easy is defined as providing reasonably intuitive GUI representations of all the configurations/settings/etc that can be played with - in the same way that Windows and OS X do).
#4 By
12071 (
4/7/2004 11:04:22 AM
#12 "We wouldn't want people to actually have RIGHTS to the concepts they create."
The SHOULD have rights to the own creations/inventions. But have you seen some of the software patents being approved? The latest round of software patents are "take this existing patent.... and apply it to the internet". That's a joke. And how long should we give exclusive rights to these completely ambigious patents that are being rubber stamped by people unfit to do so?
"And where do you suppose we find these "new" users?"
For a start, my point was that you can't come from a mainly Windows background for god knows how many years and then claim Windows is easier to use! But where do we find these new users? Well schools are absolutely and completely full of them (hey... didn't Microsoft donate Windows to a whole lot of schools.... how nice.... getting all those new users growing up using Windows!). Additionally, the "new" users can be found all around you, not everyone uses a computer, users that have difficulty with the concept of copying files or drag and drop do not find Windows "easy"!
"I have people at my shop that can't even find the *&^% Start button to shut down their PC"
Maybe you should be asking why you are clicking on START to SHUT DOWN the pc!!! This from an easy to use, innovative OS huh! I'll give you a big clue stick, it's not intuitive! That's why the people in your shop can't find it! Because those users would never stop to think that to shut down Windows you have to click on START!
"plop them in front of an OS that perplexes most IT people!"
Linux only perplexes certain Windows-only users, not most IT people. Most IT people have a clue about OS outside the realm of Windows. That's why the only people saying that you have to compile your own kernel are ignorant Windows-only users. IT people are very well aware that there are several distributions of Linux where the user doesn't have to see the command line at all if they don't want, and updating all their software can be all done with a few clicks in the GUI app.
"I guess some people will keep their opinions even after seeing reality."
We agree =)
#5 By
135 (
4/7/2004 11:29:41 PM
roccofreshy - You should have told her to open up a command line window and type in 'shutdown -h now'.
It's far more intuitive than that stupid UI thing.
#6 By
12071 (
4/8/2004 12:24:04 AM
#12 Xephion, you won't get a clearer example of an ignorant Windows-only user than #15 Parkker.
Not only does he STILL continue to claim that users need to recompile their kernel but here's the real kicker, the facts he uses to support his argument are instructions for RedHat 4.2 and 5.2!! (Linux kernel's 2.0.35, 2.0.36 - we are currently up to 2.6.5!!). (http://www.owlriver.com/redhat_versions.html) These versions were released in 1997 and 1998!! If you need a comparison, this is equivalent to me talking about Windows as it was back in 97/98 (not pretty!).
Ignorance is bliss, and parkker is the happiest person here!
"If you are using up2date version 2.5.4 or later, the Red Hat Update Agent will download and install the kernel upgrade for you. If you are using Red Hat Network to upgrade your kernel, you should not need to follow any of the other instructions in this guide."
So as long as you have RedHat 6.2 (out in 2000) or higher (or have installed the up2date package on an earlier version of RedHat)... guess what! It's all done for you! No compiling required! Not even of the tricky kernel! Dammit! Why do they make this so difficult!
#7 By
12071 (
4/8/2004 12:54:42 AM
#17 Or she can just click on the icon and then "Logout...". (if using KDE or GNOME - not sure about every other window manager - they'd have something very similar).
Don't you just hate how Linux forces users to use the command line all the time, and to compile all their programs!