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06:40 EST/11:40 GMT | News Source:
USA Today |
Posted By: Byron Hinson |
When purchasing a personal computer, buyers used to grapple with the decision: a Macintosh from Apple Computer or a Microsoft-based PC? Microsoft effectively won that operating system debate years ago and claims more than 90% of the PC operating system market. But in the push to legally sell digital music, Apple and Microsoft, and their incompatible file formats, are at it again. Consumers are in the position of having to choose as hardware makers line up behind either Microsoft or Apple's software format.
#1 By
7711 (
1/20/2004 7:05:05 AM
"...consumers who purchase from non-Apple online music stores must use portable devices based on Microsoft's format."
That's the first time I've ever seen MP3 called a Microsoft format.
Typical USlessAToday.
#2 By
11888 (
1/20/2004 7:55:22 AM
Not .mp3, they mean .wma.
Which also brings up a question. Why are we still using file extensions?!
#3 By
135 (
1/20/2004 10:51:14 AM
I'm with stubear. Just buy the bloody CD.
#4 By
9589 (
1/20/2004 11:50:48 AM
Couldn't agree more with you stubear and sodablue. I buy CDs and then do whatever I want with them.
I have a device called irock! 400FM Wireless Music Adapter that I have found useful. I can't play on any FM receiver from a portable MP3 player.
#5 By
3339 (
1/20/2004 2:14:59 PM
"I bet you it'll come down to a hardware decision. Do you really want an iPod?"
I bet the market will look very different in many years, but for the first several years, consumers will prefer the leader... rather than choosing from the many tiny, similar, obscure stores and devices without any widespread support.
"Do you only want an iPod? Do you want to be able to use other devices, too?" Why would you use other music devices if one fits all your needs? If it supports devices to transmit via FM? Or if 3rd parties are creating systems to connect it to your TV or stereo system? (There are many already available for the iPod.) Most people are conceding that PDAs are dying, and QT is already on many phones (outside the US unfortunately). Why doesn't anyone ask: will Apple develop QT for the PocketPC before the HPiPod comes out instead of these rather silly questions? (I say silly because if a person is going to use a PocketPC to listen to/buy songs, why would they use an iPod or the iTMS; however, if they are going to listen to their iPod, where's the problem? [PT and others fail to note that the only device iTMS is incompatible with is the PocketPC and iPod competitors.])
"It'll be interesting to see if Apple makes the same mistake *again*."
Didn't they already license their hardware and software to a competing PC manufacturer? Apple is interesting RIGHT NOW because they are already doing all the right things.
"If we're forced to use Apple devices for "rights managed" songs purchased through iTunes, I doubt you'll see as many people thrilled with the service after they tire of their iPod. "
Why would people "tire" of an iPod? You are saying: people will "tire" of downloading music when they "tire" of listening to music.
"Just a hunch. But, I bet this one'll go to the more "open" of the two platforms ( at least from the HW side )."
I don't know of any other device that supports as many devices and apps as a platform as the iPod. In fact, I would hardly consider any other device a platform at all.
This post was edited by sodajerk on Tuesday, January 20, 2004 at 14:29.
#6 By
3339 (
1/20/2004 4:58:17 PM
"PC base MP3 player will crush iPod"
#7 By
3339 (
1/20/2004 5:19:32 PM
"trully an iPod killer"
Why is it getting killed by the iPod then?
#8 By
11888 (
1/20/2004 10:13:04 PM
This post was edited by MrRoper on Tuesday, January 20, 2004 at 22:15.
#9 By
3339 (
1/21/2004 11:57:58 AM
parker, you haven't embarassed anyone but yourself. Please show me where you've actually been able to refute the fact that Apple has the #1,#3,and #5 player of the top five? Please show me where you have refuted that Apple has 50% of the revenue in mp3 player sales tracked. Please show me where you've refuted that they have 30% of unit sales tracked. Please show me a single other company that claims they have sold over 2 million devices. Has the Nitrus sold 2 million? And what kind of baloney are you spewing now about the Nitrus? Who cares? At the time it was the ONLY 1.5 GB HD player of its kind--I would freaking hope it was the best seller. How many did they sell? Oh, Rio's too afraid to say.
#10 By
3339 (
1/21/2004 12:23:17 PM
Because you haven't read it, it's not a fact? Please, parker. Frequently it's hard to tell if you are capable of reading.
And, of course, you've read this... This is what I've been arguing for the last month. Were you not there? Can you truly not read? As I said, please provide a link to where you embarassed me (since I never said Apple had 50% marketshare (except in terms of revenue), and since I've been saying the same things for a while now (but you claim you've never heard this before), I really wonder what you are talking about.
This post was edited by sodajerk on Wednesday, January 21, 2004 at 12:42.
#11 By
2960 (
1/21/2004 2:14:43 PM
"Why can't people just buy the CDs and rip the music themselves in whatever format they want? I'm tired of the little geeks on the internet telling me which file format I have to use and why the file format I might prefer sucks. Thanks, I have a degree in audio engineering (BS in Recording Industry Management: Production and Technology emphasis is the actual title) so I know audio well enough to make my own informred decision. "
My goodness do I ever agree :)
I bought about 200 tracks off of the IMS. They are tracks from albums that literally had one or two songs I wanted, and no more. I would have had to buy thousands of dollars in CD's to do the same thing, and 80% of it would be wasted money.
But that's ALL I use it for. The one-off's. I HATE paying for music like this, in this format, but in this particular circumstance it's a better choice overall monetarily.
My fear? You buy, say, $500 worth of music from a music service and then they go belly up. Re-defines the term 'screwed'.
But the RIAA/Music Industry would LOVE for that to happen. They would get to sell you the same material yet again (their holy grail), AND it helps them prove _their_ way was better all along.
#12 By
3339 (
1/21/2004 5:04:48 PM
parker, and yet, you can't cite numbers from any other manufacturer that confirm what you are making up. (The only evidence you've provided in this discussion is Rio claiming they are leading a category which had no other competition at the time of the announcement.)
1) so what, I'm citing data from NDP and Nielsen SOundscan and other independent sources, not individuals.
2) becker is a softy, and I'm not citing him as a source
3) what does the G5 have to do with mp3 player sales (a market well tracked by independent sources)?
4) and? It was/is according to gov't regulations at the time. If you didn't understand that they were talking about achievable Gflops of computations and didn't take the time to notice how many Gflops the G4 was achieving, that was your fault. That wasn't inaccurate data.
5) What does that have to do with statistics to support your unfounded positions?
Anyway, your fixation with Apple coupled with your simultaneous disbelief in anything Apple is not my problem. It's your's. You cannot provide any compelling data that the iPod isn't the largest selling mp3 player. You cannot provide any compelling data that the iTMS doesn't have 70% of the purchased music download market. You cannot provide any evidence at all. So... you are an obsessed but paranoid onlooker... What's your point?
This post was edited by sodajerk on Wednesday, January 21, 2004 at 17:14.