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  Steve Jobs on Longhorn
Time: 18:14 EST/23:14 GMT | News Source: Seattle PI | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

We're seeing tremendous software innovation within Apple because of that, both in the operating system itself and the applications that go with it, as well as our applications division. Tremendous, tremendous innovation. I think we can out-innovate Microsoft. I think we have, I think we've proven that. I think we will continue to. We're on our fourth major release of Mac OS X within three years. Microsoft, they're looking like they're running four years between software releases, and we're roughly one a year right now. ... Their last release was in 2001, and Longhorn looks like it will get out in 2006, maybe. Maybe. That's five years! ...

They're hoping in 2006 to be where we were in Jaguar, basically. That's what they're hoping. Obviously we're going to have a few more releases before 2006 so we'd be way ahead of them by then. But that's what they're hoping for, and maybe they'll do that. They have a lot of people to work on it, but it's a rough row to hoe. You've got a lot of apps that have to change. It's taken us -- Jaguar was really the first release of Mac OS X that really took off and it was our third release, before we finally had all the developers on board, everybody had learned about the new stuff enough, rewritten their apps enough, enough apps were out, and I don't see that the laws of physics are going to be too different for them. It's going to be a long road. They have perseverance, and they'll make it, but it's not going to happen the year they release their operating system. It takes a while. But in any event, I have a lot of confidence that we can be the most innovative software company ... going forward.

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#1 By 2332 ( at 11/7/2003 6:36:18 PM

What a poor, clueless man.

#2 By 135 ( at 11/7/2003 6:42:44 PM
Microsoft asks what the customers want and delivers it.

I'm not certain Apple cares what the customers want.

#3 By 17996 ( at 11/7/2003 7:06:35 PM
Haha, he compares current Windows (2000, XP) with OS 9 and Longhorn with OS X? I think a more accurate comparison is Windows 95/98/Me with OS 9 and under, and Windows NT/2000/XP with OS X.

#4 By 10022 ( at 11/7/2003 7:12:50 PM
maybe if 10.3 was 10.0 you could almost make a case that they could maybe compete with WindowsXP.

but 10.3 is the 4th "major" release- each one adding in half baked features without fixing real problems.

There is no way 10.3 or 10.4 or 10.5 will even come close to XP at the rate they are going.

You just cant have a networking system so broken or a printing system so useless or applications that wont even install to make comments like that!

And if you dont even have half the features of Windows, you CANNOT claim to offer more! You CANNOT KEEP LYING!

There would be no way i would give up my 1.2 Athlon for a dual 2 GHz G5- i would not want to downgrade my REAL WORLD performance! I simply do not have the patience to wait for an application to open or a window to open or 3 minuets to start the thing up (i can startup in 45 sec with my machine).

And for all you Mac nuts- you better start learning Unix because if you want your machine to function you're going to have to start! because the days of deleting youre preference files and zapping your PRAM to fix everything are over.

I think MS has learned alot from OS X and delayed Longhorn accordingly - and its a simple thing at that - DO NOT RELASE A HALF COMPLETED OS AND EXPECT IT TO WORK.

#5 By 3339 ( at 11/7/2003 7:14:43 PM
Haha, you're too retarded to understand he's making a parallel to the state of new, forward looking technology and backward compatibility -- he's not talking about features. Hence, the whole bit about focusing on the first 8 floors, etc... It is very clear that the new features of Longhorn are a significant departure from current Windows tech... meaning it is going to take a couple of years to get developers up to speed and there are going to be years where the OS is carrying around backward compatibility baggage. Hence, the transition from XP to Longhorn is most definitely like OS 9 to OS X. Get it yet?

Ha, ha.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Friday, November 07, 2003 at 19:16.

#6 By 2332 ( at 11/7/2003 11:21:00 PM
#8 - It's a bit more compilcated than that. While there isn't a whole lot of info out there right now from MS, it looks like Microsoft composition engine is considerably more powerful than Apple's.

BUT, Apple already has a fully functional composition engine which they have to improve on.

My bet is that Longhorn and OS X 2005 will have similar capabilities when they finally arrive.

The graphics stuff is cool, but that's not the really exciting thing about Longhorn. WinFX and WinFS are hardcore, and will really change the way we use our computers.

Some of the sidebar demos that utilized Indigo were just freakin' awesome...

#7 By 6859 ( at 11/8/2003 10:56:00 AM
I guess this proves that once you have a bad acid trip, it can affect you for life. He's clearly still tripping.

#8 By 415 ( at 11/8/2003 1:50:58 PM
Please, Steve, you poor guy... You must have had your head up your rectum for far too long.

#9 By 7760 ( at 11/10/2003 3:13:46 AM
"They're hoping in 2006 to be where we were in Jaguar, basically." - Steve Jobs

What Steve Jobs is hoping is that they're where Microsoft is in market share... in 2106.

#10 By 166260 ( at 11/27/2008 6:14:13 PM
I finally got tired of getting virus and adware all the time from
using different software to get my mp3s from so I started to pay for
all my music on itunes, then last week my brother in Vegas shows me a
link to this site called where he gets all
his stuff from daily, totally free, he is a dj and uses the site to
get all his new stuff and classics.

Ever since he showed me I have been hooked, its super fast to download
any songs or even full albums,they even have a play button beside each
song to hear it before downloading and also have an online playlist, I
loaded up my favorite 60 songs into it and now I just log in from anywhere
and play all my songs, the guys at work are totally hooked on the site
like I now am and I wanted to share the link with you all, remember it
is 100% free, nothing to ever pay for there.

#11 By 166260 ( at 11/27/2008 6:14:23 PM
I finally got tired of getting virus and adware all the time from
using different software to get my mp3s from so I started to pay for
all my music on itunes, then last week my brother in Vegas shows me a
link to this site called where he gets all
his stuff from daily, totally free, he is a dj and uses the site to
get all his new stuff and classics.

Ever since he showed me I have been hooked, its super fast to download
any songs or even full albums,they even have a play button beside each
song to hear it before downloading and also have an online playlist, I
loaded up my favorite 60 songs into it and now I just log in from anywhere
and play all my songs, the guys at work are totally hooked on the site
like I now am and I wanted to share the link with you all, remember it
is 100% free, nothing to ever pay for there.

#12 By 170323 ( at 1/1/2009 7:41:02 AM
Hello All, Found this method to get free gold membership of Adult Friend Finder. .

Some one told me about this. Have tested it and works. Perfectly legit way to get the gold membership.

You can see the details here
<a href=>1Month Adult Friend Finder Gold Membership</a>

Hope it helps you if you are looking to get one.

Take Care

#13 By 199141 ( at 2/2/2009 7:57:09 AM
Hello All,
Thought i should post this as this might help someone trying to get some percent off on their purchase. I am not the inventor of this method. I saw this on one forums sticky and was very popular just see if it works out for you.
Here it is i am pasting the method below

Since several have asked me how I get my Amazon gold box quick picks to look like the image I attached I decided to post the write up that I read which shows how to manipulate whats picked for your quick picks. So here we go:

Basically your Quick Picks are your personal Amazon Deals of the Day (DotD) that have been catered to your past purchase history.

This takes a day+ to work and is definitely hit or miss on what is offered.

To see your current "Quick Picks"

* Go to hxxp:// (make sure you are signed in)
* Click on "Today's Deals" next to the gold box at the top
* Scroll down to see Your Name's Quick Picks

Now onto the 'manipulation'

Step 1:
Let's say you want an Xbox 360, what you need to do is 'fake' Amazon into thinking you own something related to it, say an Xbox 360 Controller. So search for a Controller, and then at the details page do a search for "Rate this item to improve your recommendations" and next to Rate this item click on "I own it". What this does is link it to your recommendations

Step 2:

* At the top of Amazon's page, click on "Recommendations"
* This will list everything that is recommend broken down by category.
* Remove everything not related to Xbox by clicking "Not interested" this may take quite a bit of time if you've purchased a few items from Amazon. Another quick way to remove unwanted items is to click on "Fix This" on an item and then click on "Don't use for recommendations"

Step 3: Come back the next day and see what Amazon has put in your "Quick Picks"

Yesterday I did just this, I added that I owned an Xbox 360 Controller, cleaned up my non-related recommendations and then today I was offered a Quick Pick of 5% off the Xbox 360 Arcade bundle: $265.99 vs $279.99, a savings of $14

This should work for practically anything, be it a CD, a book, or whatever, just add something that is somewhat related to what you want and chances are it might show up the next day.

Resetting Your Gold Box Quick Picks (Thanks to baboymo)

for those getting random crap in their Gold Box deals, here's a trick that will reset your picks to what you want.

1. Go to recommendations
2. Click link that says "These recommendations are based on items you own and more."
3. Click each product that you used to get items in your Gold Box.
4. Scroll down to "rate this item to improve your recommendations" and de-rate and de-own it (it will save automatically).
5. Search for a similar product and rate and own it.
6. Next day your Gold Box should be filled with what you want.

Note: It appears if you don't take advantage of the Gold Box deals, that's when you'll start to see random crap after several days. Just reset it and voila!

Enjoy <IMG></IMG>

#14 By 193297 ( at 2/9/2009 6:12:27 AM
Whats Up My name is Alexander

Does anyone know anything about blackhat stuff? I found these sites and these people are have proof of making over $900 a day from some these Black hat methods. What do you guys think about this.

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#15 By 193297 ( at 3/6/2009 3:00:04 PM
Hey Guys My name is and Admin I hope this is posted int he right section. I felt this was the best place to ask about this , if not please feel free to move it where it belongs, I really like this place and will be an advid poster here. Nancy

I have been into internet marketing lately and would like to know if you know anything about blackhat marketing techniques? The reason I ask is because I found a couple places where people have proof of making over $900 a day from some these Black hat methods. Im just curious if anyone here is making money online through Blackseo or any types of whitehat techniques like these sites are about.
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<a href=> Here is the 2nd site currency converter</a>

#16 By 193297 ( at 3/11/2009 11:32:47 AM
Hey Guys My name is and Admin I hope this is posted int he right section. I felt this was the best place to ask about this , if not please feel free to move it where it belongs, I really like this place and will be an advid poster here. Jessica

I have been into internet marketing lately and would like to know if you know anything about blackhat marketing techniques? The reason I ask is because I found a couple places where people have proof of making over $900 a day from some these Black hat methods. Im just curious if anyone here is making money online through Blackseo or any types of whitehat techniques like these sites are about.
These sites have many different money making free scripts and types of ways to make money online. Alot of it has to do with CPA and affiliate programs. Hopefully you guys could help me understand some of these methods or just PM me and I can show the methods I am struggling with and I would be willing to give the scripts I bought for free, if you can help me figure them out. I just want to make money online since the economy is so bad now.

<a href=> Here is the first site make money online</a>

<a href=> Here is the 2nd site Make Money Online</a>

#17 By 193297 ( at 4/12/2009 2:46:57 PM
Whats Up My name is and Admin I hope this is posted int he right section. I felt this was the best place to ask about this , if not please feel free to move it where it belongs, I really like this place and will be an advid poster here. Bob

I have been into internet marketing lately and would like to know if you know anything about blackhat marketing techniques? The reason I ask is because I found a couple places where people have proof of making over $900 a day from some these Black hat methods. Im just curious if anyone here is making money online through Blackseo or any types of whitehat techniques like these sites are about.
These sites have many different money making free scripts and types of ways to make money online. Alot of it has to do with CPA and affiliate programs. Hopefully you guys could help me understand some of these methods or just PM me and I can show the methods I am struggling with and I would be willing to give the scripts I bought for free, if you can help me figure them out. I just want to make money online since the economy is so bad now.

<a href=> Here is the first site Blackhat seo</a>

<a href=> Here is the 2nd site traffic exchanger</a>

#18 By 227025 ( at 6/7/2009 8:02:22 AM
You want to make money from facebook, all you need is a account with facebook and this tool. Just download it and click start its that easy.

Here are the details and the application!

Facebook Group Poster + Facebook Account Creator

Facebook is the most popular social site on the internet. With over 175 million active users on Facebook the advertising potential is limitless. The best way to get in contact with millions of Facebook users at once is through Facebook Groups. This bot is a BHW exclusive and there are thousands of groups being made on Facebook each day, so the chances of this getting saturated are highly unlikely.

What the bot does:

Post to Discussion Board of Groups
Write on wall of Groups
Post to Discussion Board of Top Applications
Write on wall of Top Applications
Scrape groups by the amount of members
Choose number of post per user
Load in Accounts file
Implements for Captchas or manual Captcha input

#19 By 4240821 ( at 10/26/2023 6:47:35 AM

#20 By 4240821 ( at 10/30/2023 10:04:15 AM

#21 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 9:16:12 AM

#22 By 4240821 ( at 10/31/2023 7:21:58 PM

#23 By 4240821 ( at 11/1/2023 6:35:50 AM

#24 By 4240821 ( at 11/2/2023 7:37:22 PM

#25 By 4240821 ( at 11/3/2023 1:35:06 PM

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