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11:09 EST/16:09 GMT | News Source:
Microsoft Press Release |
Posted By: Robert Stein |
Microsoft Corp. today announced the latest addition to its Shared Source Initiative source licensing program, the Most Valuable Professional Source Licensing Program (MVPSLP). The program recognizes individuals with expertise in one or more Microsoft® products and technologies for their active participation and efforts to help other Microsoft customers. Recognizing the importance of supporting MVPs and the online and offline technical communities they assist, Microsoft is delivering one of its most valuable assets, Windows® source code, to eligible MVPs through the MVPSLP.
#1 By
6253 (
10/22/2003 1:35:44 PM
In other words, source code is only being offered to people who have demonstrated a long-term commitment to Windows, not every militant who wants to copy and paste Windows code into WINE or straight into the Linux kernel to make it easier for Linux to use hardware drivers written for Windows.
#2 By
2960 (
10/22/2003 1:43:39 PM
Realistically now, how many MVP's would know what to do with the code?
You want to assist MVP's? Give them the damned SOFTWARE to use and learn, inside and out!
Microsoft _used_ to have a great program called Advanced Access (or something like that) where Industry professionals (Tech's, Network Engineer's, Help Desk, etc...) could purchase the RC versions of the software, and then get an NFR copy of the completed product when it was done.
Windows 2000 Server and Office 2000 Premium cost me $100 each under this program, and when the products shipped to actual users I was READY to support it.
I guess Microsoft no longer feels this is important, or couldn't affort to give a discount any more, because the program has since been discontinued and there is no replacement for it. Unless you are a Programmer who can afford the expensive MSDN program there isn't anything out there for your.
Sure, there is the Partner-Only Microsoft Action-Pack subscription, but this thing is a nightmare to sign up for (trust me, it is) and does not really replace what the Advanced Access program was all about. Action-Pack is about sellers, not support people or Tech's.
The Advanced Access program was the smartest thing Microsoft ever did for IT pro's, and it was completely stupid when they discontinued it.
#3 By
135 (
10/22/2003 2:21:01 PM
Well, I don't know how you get to be in the MVP program, but I know a number of trainers and experts from Developmentor and other groups who would know what to do with this.
I agree with TechLarry that MS software needs to be more available to home techies. I don't think Microsoft fully understands that the reason why Linux is popular is because of the free access for home users.
They need to be doing a greater job promoting things like that.
#4 By
1845 (
10/22/2003 4:08:25 PM
TL, think it was called Direct Access. The DA program - software, conferences, etc. - were quite nice. All the involvement I ever had in it, was related to sales, not IT support. Still, I can see how an IT support person could benefit from it. The program designed for IT support is TechNet Plus. That gives time limited evals, betas, and RCs to IT guys. And, as you mentioned, MSDN is for the programmers.
While I'm writing...just had to share an awful Linux experience. I got Virtual PC from MSDN yesterday, and decided I'd have some Linux fun. After getting 404's, no .iso's, and FTP permissions errors on links from RedHat, Suse, Debian, and Slackware, I finally got some downloading action from Gentoo. Silly me, I thought I'd be able to have a simple experience installing it.
It booted itself up, loaded a CD-based version and displayed a nice welcome screen. It asked me questions about kernels, that I frankly couldn't care less about. Then it gave me a root prompt and expected me to know what to do with it. After reading the install file for like 30 minutes, I learned how to config my NIC, setup a partition, format, then choose from three different install options. I just wonder, why in the heck they didn't make a nice little executable file called - UmYouHaventUsedLinuxBeforeSoLetMeDoEverythingForYou.o - to handle a default install for me. I was so annoyed by the rediculous routine, that I've deleted that VPC image and have decided, for another few years, to ignore Linux.
Perhaps by the time Longhorn is released, it'll be somewhat easy to download and install a Linux distro. Yes, I mean for some dork like me with no Linux experience. Just like it is easy for me to download something like Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition from MSDN (like three or four mouse clicks), a few keystrokes [enter], [F8], a few more mouse clicks, and it's installed. Yeah, that was all offtopic for this thread, but just had to vent.
#5 By
135 (
10/22/2003 4:58:52 PM
Did you download Virtual PC or was it in a CD shipment?
Now I thought Gentoo was supposed to be the really idiot proof install. Honestly I've not had that much trouble with Redhat. Yeah, you need to know more about your hardware than the average person would, but it's still better than the old days.
Back when I ran Linux, in order to get X11 to work you had to find the manual for your monitor, enter the vertical and horizontal refresh rate ranges into a calculator and come up with some numbers to plug into the X11.Config file... If you got it wrong, chances were good you'd damage your monitor.
I first saw a recognition of Plug & Play video cards and monitors with Solaris 7 on x86. It took Linux a year or so after that before they realized this was possible. The last install of Redhat 8.2 I did went pretty smoothly. I usally grab ISO images from linuxiso.org, if you're getting 404's off Redhat's ftp site.
#6 By
37 (
10/22/2003 5:40:28 PM
In response to TL,
Realistically now, how many MVP's would know what to do with the code?
There are MANY that would know what to do. As an MVP, I have had first hand experience meeting these other fellow MVP's that have a great desire for this code and can use it in it's full potential. So, it's VERY realistic. BTW, this was announced to us (MVPs) back in February.
You want to assist MVP's? Give them the damned SOFTWARE to use and learn, inside and out!
Actually, they do :-)
Sure, there is the Partner-Only Microsoft Action-Pack subscription, but this thing is a nightmare to sign up for (trust me, it is) and does not really replace what the Advanced Access program was all about. Action-Pack is about sellers, not support people or Tech's.
I know of quite a few people that have subscribed to the Action Pack, and there were issues, redtape or stings attached.
#7 By
531 (
10/22/2003 10:03:43 PM
#9, No, the code can't be compiled.
While I understand your point about the importance of the code being lessened, I don't agree that the value is nil. Even decent programmers should be able to trace through the code without actually compiling and running it. The value comes in understanding what conditions have to be met for function X to work... or, even more importantly, for function X to fail.
#8 By
1845 (
10/23/2003 12:01:21 AM
blue, dl'ed it from subscriber downloads. I read some dude's blog and found out it's been up for a few weeks. I'm a universal subscriber, not sure who else has it. It's the first item "Connectix Virual PC 5.2" (or something close) under "Platforms".
Well, I thought about it a bit, and one issue was VPC's fault. Now that I've told VPC to not unmount my .iso, I'm on my way (via command line) to installing gentoo. I've spent the last hour reading about filesystems and manually creating paritions, formatting, and melting the tar of some of my tarballs.
I'm untarring at the moment, so I have time to explain my situation.
Gentoo's install.html file is really nice, but what would have been nicer is an executable/script/whatever to do everything for me, just a nice default thingee. I've heard so many ppl bash (no pun intended) RH, that I thought I'd go with a more l33t distro. Of course, it was also the only one I could dl at the time too. I've since fetched RH from their FTP site. It decided to admit that it had files I could dl. Q - is 'shrike' the code name for the latest RH release?
#9 By
135 (
10/23/2003 12:45:31 AM
cba-3.14 - You're kidding me? Why then are so many people recommending gentoo? Oh never mind.
So basically this thing downloads the source tree, does the compile and installs from there? Bizarre. I thought Debian was bass ackwards.
BobSmith - I suppose if you're going to try out Linux you definately want to use the most l33t distro available. When you get to setting the correct IRQ needed to use your PS/2 mouse, let us know. :)
#10 By
1845 (
10/23/2003 1:27:33 AM
Update: genkernel is now running....perhaps sometime before the sun rises, I'll be finished with this install.
blue: I had no idea what I was getting into. A friend of mine once described C like this - "If programmers didn't make things hard, then everybody could do it. By increasing the barrier to entry, they ensure their job security or their pedastool of intellectual elitism." Based on the exposure I've had to Linux, it would seem that the same applies to Linux.
#11 By
1845 (
10/23/2003 1:55:41 AM
Update: still compiling...
How long does it take to compile a kernel anyway?
#12 By
1845 (
10/23/2003 3:45:59 AM
Update: still compiling...
#13 By
1845 (
10/23/2003 5:44:08 AM
Update: still compiling....
*Running "make modules_install"...
#14 By
1845 (
10/23/2003 8:21:49 AM
Some combination of Windows Media Player, VPC, Windows XP, and Gentoo got unhappy. The Gentoo install was scrapped...it was taking an insane amount of time anyway. So now, I'm RedHat'ing. Oh wow, what a difference. If it weren't for the changed mouse sensitivity, I might not have realized I was running a non-Windows app. It's installing now, no command line crap, no merging of source, no compiling, just a few mouse clicks and it's off to copy files and be happy. Seems really fat though, 1.9 GB for a default install. I'll report back when it's finished.
#15 By
2960 (
10/23/2003 9:40:01 AM
You are absolutely right. It was called DirectAccess.
#16 By
2960 (
10/23/2003 9:43:36 AM
That's really interesting about the Linux...
I've been running (lightly, mind you, just for experimentation) several Linux distro's under VirtualPC for a long time and it's always worked out great for me. A little slow, but it allows working fully with a Distro without altering your PC in any way.
I wonder what Microsoft did to it? It worked fine when it was a Connectix product.
Interesting :)
BTW... I get TechNet Plus (The enterprise/server edition) as well, and it can't come close to replacing DA. TNP only has demp's or RC's of the products. All are time limited. The DA program gave you full, forever-working copies of the real shipped product.
#17 By
1845 (
10/23/2003 10:16:16 AM
TL, I'm still running the Connectix version - 5.2. I think the main issue was this - I only have 512 MB RAM. Gentoo was doing some hardcore compiling via VPC. I had a dozen or so other apps running - OE, OL, VS .NET, etc. I tried to play a DVD and things got difficult. Things locked up...that is, the mouse and keyboard pretty much stopped responding. Perhaps if I had waited like 10 mintues for all the Windows messages to be processed correctly everything would have been OK, but I was far too impatient for that. The prob, of course, is that since I hadn't saved the state of VPC, the only way for me to get Gentoo working again, would be to wait a few more hours for compilation. I refuse to do that. I'm sure the issue was a function of me trying to make my hardware do more than it wanted to do.
As for DA, ya, I hear you. TNP doesn't hold a candle to DA, which is why I opted for MSDN Universal rather than TechNet Plus after DA went away. Still, though, if you want to eval stuff and get a jump on new technolgoy, TNP is good enough IMO.
-X- I'll check that out. What I wanted to do was compare the OOTB (well, OOT download) configuration of a few Linux distros to the default for Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP. I've been hearing for years that XP is huge and insanely bloated, etc. etc. The ironic thing is that I installed Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with all the defaults and the VPC image was 1.4 GB. Doing the same with RedHat, selecting the Workstation and my VPC image is about 2.9 GB. True, you can slim down the RH install, but, by default, it is really large...twice the size of Win Server 2k3 Ent, and about 3x the default of Win XP. I'm not saying that's bad, I just find it really interesting.
This post was edited by BobSmith on Thursday, October 23, 2003 at 10:17.
#18 By
1845 (
10/23/2003 10:23:08 AM
I have about six minutes before the RH install ends, so a few more thoughts...
The fortunes made me laugh. Kudos to whomever thought them up.
I wonder, if a million computers can't be wrong about RH, then does the same logic apply to the several hundren million comptuers running Windows? Or to the hundreds of millions running Microsoft Office (and Michael Robertson and his "logic" be damned!)?
Also, I told the RH installer that my mouse was a Microsoft IntelliMouse (USB). As soon as I hit next, I had no mouse. I restarted VPC and left the default - Generic Wheel mouse - and all is well. Any idea why they'd have Microsoft mice in the list, but then not be able to support them?
#19 By
1845 (
10/23/2003 10:58:40 AM
OK, now I'm annoyed. I told it my monitor specs at the end of install. On reboot, I see almost nothing...just a few rainbow color dots scattered about on a black background. Kind of psychadellic, but not very functional...any RH gurus out here want to instruct me on how to proceed? I tried reinstalling, but it didn't ask to reconfigure the monitor. At least the reinstall was dang short, since I hadn't updated anything.
Edit: I did the "linux resuce" thing, but that didn't ask me monitor config stuff. I'm guessing that can be altered via command line, but, of course, I haven't a clue how to do that. Is there something similar to safe mode?
This post was edited by BobSmith on Thursday, October 23, 2003 at 11:07.
#20 By
2960 (
10/23/2003 12:35:30 PM
"On reboot, I see almost nothing...just a few rainbow color dots scattered about on a black background"
Actually, now that you mention it, I had that same problem the last time I installed Red Hat. Other things came up, and I forgot about it.
I think that started around RH 9.0. Is your distro based off of Redhat ?
#21 By
1845 (
10/23/2003 4:55:11 PM
My vid card is ATI Mobility 128 AGP 4x. It's hardly high end, since it's about 2.5 yrs old now. I find it interesting that there were no vid probs during install or even for the GRUB menu. Hmm.
#22 By
1845 (
10/23/2003 9:43:20 PM
I'll check 'em out and get back to you, gotta sleep now though.
#23 By
1845 (
10/24/2003 11:55:20 AM
ctrl-alt-f2 brings me to a screen black screen with a blinking cursor. No "Welcome to ...", No "#:" Nothing. Just a blinking cursor. When I type, nothing appears. Also, due to my schedule, I don't have time to play with it for now. Thanks for your help though.
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