cba-3.14 - "In fact, they would love to replace the PC with the Xbox, where you have to pay Microsoft to write any software for the platform... yes, like Apple. "
It's comments like these that convince people on this site that your motives are less than honest.
"Why Microsoft would want to close the platform baffles me."
No, what's baffling is why you have decided to arrive at a conclusion which does not follow logically from the facts presented. There's nothing baffling here, because Microsoft isn't closing off the platform.
"Microsoft not only knows this but is the living proof. They are my ally for the open PC, against the thin-client and central-control of the Old School, of Old IBM, what has happened? "
As I commented in #6, I suspect that this move is tied in with the EFI project from Intel. That move came about as a realization that the BIOS is no longer necessary. It's used only to set Motherboard options, and to initiate the boot to the OS... After the OS is loaded, the BIOS is no longer used to access hardware because it is slow 16-bit code.
So Intel is working on an alternative mechanism to deal with talking to hardware, Microsoft is probably working on software interfaces for this.
And cba-3.14 and the other Linux zealots prove time and time again they have no understanding of computers or the industry and come here spewing lies and FUD.
This dishonesty really grows tiresome. Why can't you just debate on the issues, why do you have to build strawmen through FUD to justify your positions? Are you positions really so weak that you must rely on these tactics?
Seriously, you sound more and more like the Rush Limbaugh of the computer world ever day.