Gee, we haven't heard Sun say that they have a new new . . . whatever to take on Microsoft on the desktop for what . . . a week! lol
The only "Mad Hatter" is Sun CEO, McSqueally. And, I thought Sun's motto was, "better technology through sueing its competitors."
Regarding, Real One: Its like sticky buns. When you install it, it gets on everything. Once you have deleted the myriad icons, then, you have to spend 20 minutes configuing it so it only pesters you some of the time. What is particularly irritating is that it starts media that you haven't asked it to and then you have to go in and change it. What a piece of crap.
By the way, touting that 350 million have downloaded this program, since it is free, only drags on the profitability of the company. Real One makes money when you buy the server version. Speaking of making money, they haven't had a profitable year since 1999. Meanwhile, since then, they have managed to stick shareholders with over 200 million dollars in losses, with no end in sight. That's OK, though. Shareholders still value it at over billion dollars in market capitalization. Go figure!