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  ActiveMac: Apple iPod (15GB) - Review
Time: 10:44 EST/15:44 GMT | News Source: ActiveMac | Posted By: Byron Hinson

I have posted up my review of the 15 GB model of Apple's iPod music player. Here is a snippet from the review:

I’ll admit that I have long been drooling over Apple’s iPod since the first second generation iPod came out a few years ago. The new third generation iPod came out in May this year, and I have held back on my review so that I could make sure that I used it long enough to give a fair impression of it instead of the quick reviews that came out just after its release.

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#1 By 11131 ( at 8/26/2003 11:16:16 AM
Here we go :)


#2 By 3 ( at 8/26/2003 11:45:53 AM
No the problem was some Windows drivers that were causing problems when connecting the ipod to my PC. MusicMatch worked fine, its not a bad program.

#3 By 3 ( at 8/26/2003 11:47:09 AM
#2 - pay for the best with the ipod that is for sure, its easily the best MP3 player out there.

#4 By 3339 ( at 8/26/2003 1:15:06 PM
Ehh, when are you guys going to get it right: a story in one section that appears in another shouldn't require two different comment sections. How do you expect anyone to comment on Mac stories in ActiveMac if all the good ones are posted on ActiveWin, and the comments get posted there? Seriously, one of you guys should work on this... Having two separate discussions kills the ActiveXBox, ActiveMac, etc... posts.

becker, yes, AAC is NOT Apple's format. AAC originates from Sony... the format technology has been a part of mpeg for a while but has under gone a number of revisions now up to mpeg4.

Apple uses a DRM called FairPlay (also not Apple's), but this hardly makes it APPLE's AAC format.

Byron, I would have been interested in what you think of the design of the touch buttons and such... I still prefer the older (but touchwheel) interface.

I also would greatly appreciate continuous play. Do any digimusicplayers support this? It seems like it would be difficult to manage buffering songs properly to handle non-interrupted play... But I'm curious... I really want this feature (I have a couple of Ragga CDs that are live all day shows that have been dubbed/mixed together where the tracks go from one or two minutes of a singer to the next -- over an hour album with over 50 tracks.. the breaks are VERY jarring in this case, making it unplayable on the Pod unless I re-encode the whole thing as one track) so are their players that can handle continuous playback well?

#5 By 14091 ( at 8/26/2003 1:21:31 PM
I was going to buy one until I found out that the battery is sealed in the case. So when it dies you are left with a $400 paperweight. No thanks, Apple.
The Nomad Jukebox Zen NX has a replaceable battery plus I happen to like the way it looks. Also interesting is the new Rio Karma which might just be an IPod killer given the price. Just waiting to see if that one has a removeable battery as well.

#6 By 3 ( at 8/26/2003 1:25:56 PM
#7 - wish i knew when we would get one set of comments for stories in multiple places, thats out of my hands.

#7 By 3 ( at 8/26/2003 1:26:18 PM
#8 - you can replace the battery, there are instructions.

#8 By 11131 ( at 8/26/2003 1:31:29 PM
My point exactly soda :) They complain about no one posting comments to the ActiveMac (despite the fact that it has so many visitors :) ). Then they post this article here and at ActiveMac of course everyone is going to comment here instead of there because if you make a post at ActiveMac the odds that it will get a reply are slim. I was looking at ActiveMac (for the first time) today and noticed that most articles only have one comment. This is in comparison to ActiveHardware (which usually gets no posts). If this article was going to get posted another site in the ActiveWin Network (besides ActiveMac) then it should have been ActiveHardware instead of ActiveWin.

My 2 cents :)


#9 By 3339 ( at 8/26/2003 1:50:44 PM
"I was going to buy one until I found out that the battery is sealed in the case. So when it dies you are left with a $400 paperweight."

You found out NOTHING and made up want you wanted to hear. Maybe people would like to begin documenting the retarded LIES people make up and spread about Apple some time.

Not only does Apple have tons of documentation for proper care of the battery and proper recharging... Not only can you get a replacement battery from Apple, but they will replace the whole unit--not bad if you are using an older gen... But also a few companies have begun selling "iPod battery kits" and offer the service as well... For example:

Not only do these companies sell the parts, some of them also provide the service of replacing the battery if you are afraid to yourself. The part is $59. The part and service is $68.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 at 13:59.

#10 By 1868 ( at 8/26/2003 2:06:36 PM

I would post on activeMac if this was there.

But over and over posting these articles on the WINDOWS section is bad form.


did ya hear me???

#11 By 14091 ( at 8/26/2003 2:08:52 PM
Wow, I guess the "jerk" in your name is not just there for show.

I will admit that I obviously received some bad info but the crux of my complaint remains valid.

My whole point is that you have to jump through hoops to replace the battery. Other models have this handy thing called a <DrEvilFingerQuotes>Battery Door</DrEvilFingerQuotes> that you can pop open to change the battery. The fact that you have to pry your *very* expensive player open with a screwdriver is not user friendly.

#12 By 3339 ( at 8/26/2003 2:09:41 PM
Oh, poor freakin Zeo!!!

Nearly 50% of iPods are owned by Windows users.

Poor, freakin, boldin, cap-lockin Zeo thinks everyone who runs and visits this site does it for his pleasure and approval rather than their own.

Poor freakin Zeo!

This post was edited by sodajerk on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 at 14:26.

#13 By 135 ( at 8/26/2003 2:14:21 PM
I used my $450 to buy 30 new CDs to listen to.

#14 By 3 ( at 8/26/2003 2:15:56 PM
#13 - All reviews from ActiveWin get cross posted. This review contains both Mac and Windows information. So instead of trying to run a site with very little knowledge, read up.

#15 By 3339 ( at 8/26/2003 2:23:39 PM
KevMo, did you read any of the links I gave you? Yes, the second has you cracking it with a screwdriver, but the former asks the user not to do so.

What is the point of a battery door when the battery is certified to last as long as the hard drive? Do other players have a hard drive door?

I've had my iPod for close to a year and have played it for virtually 6-10 hours a day every day and have used it extensively for much longer durations on big trips (1 two week trip, 5 four day trips, 2 one week trips -- 5 of these trips were cross country, putting me in airports for at least 8 hours) where my ability to recharge was constrained but my playing was not... My playback time still exceeds ten hours occassionally and averages about 8 hours. After a year.

If in a year or two, I need to replace a battery for 60 bucks what do I care about sending it away for a week. After all, I'll probably upgrade in a year and/or need to replace the HD at the same time as the battery.

Personally, I'd consider a battery door a liability. A decent drop... the door pops... out comes the battery. I have not found the need for greater than 10 hrs. where I didn't have access to a power outlet. So... to each his own. Not ony can you get good playback/battery usage from the contained package, it may be preferable... if you need a replacement, you can do it yourself, go to Apple, or pay for another company to service it for you... To complain that this is limiting your options is silly. To call this "jumping through hoops" is silly as it should only happen once in every five years.

#16 By 3339 ( at 8/26/2003 2:29:00 PM
I used my $400 to allow me to listen to 140 of my CDs whenever and wherever I want to. To each his own.

#17 By 2502 ( at 8/26/2003 5:32:38 PM
If you can scrounge together the funds, I'd like to see a review of the Nomad Zen Jukebox, which was considered to be the best portable MP3 player by CNET. Also, it's far more Windows compatible. At least from what I've heard.

#18 By 3339 ( at 8/26/2003 7:09:10 PM
"$68 to replace a battery that starts at best at 8 hours and by most non bias accounts lasts for roughly 150 charges before it is almost useless? Sounds like a great product."

Jesus, what bullsh!t. Anyone can go to a discussion where they are discussing problems and find fifty posts... The problem is: those posts are by 20 people and 10 of them don't actually own one... and oh, they've sold over 1,000,000 of them. So by "most" accounts? Bullshit!

According to your idiocy, every single first generation iPod would be completely dead. 85% of the second generation would be dead. And so on... (Hell, the 3rd gen came out the end of April/beginning of May so most of those should be dying soon too, right? approx. 120 days with a recharge per day...) Have you heard this "by all accounts"?

I've had my iPod for over 300 days... have recharged it virtually everyday. That's approx. 300 recharges, and I have had absolutely zero battery degradation.

Clearly, a few other people here own Pods; would anyone like to post how long they've owned it/number of charges versus number of hours of play time?

This post was edited by sodajerk on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 at 19:39.

#19 By 3339 ( at 8/26/2003 7:15:00 PM
Bueller, don't know what you saw, but CNET ranks the iPod ahead of the Nomad Jukebox 3 and the Nomad Zen in the HD category. In fact, they rank the JB 3 and the Odyssey 1000 ahead of the Zen.

#20 By 135 ( at 8/26/2003 9:17:09 PM
macrosslover - i used my $400 to get out the house and go to the strip club, but that's another story lol.....

Hmm... an hour of blissful relaxation...

Versus 140 hours of listening to sodajerk's music.

Yeah, I like your idea better. :)

Seriously, never had much use for these portable music devices. Maybe if I was still a college student, but then I couldn't afford $400.

#21 By 3339 ( at 8/27/2003 12:22:16 AM
Ehh, brain fart at the time. Meant Dolby, said Sony.

Any other corrections?

#22 By 3339 ( at 8/27/2003 12:26:00 AM
soda, don't get it. Defending macross just to jibe me again? We may all enjoy the nudie bar, but macross losing a week's pay in one night, while many of us can get laid for free, in exchange for getting rubbed against -- BUT NO TOUCHING -- vs. (and why do you softy retards do stupid sh!t like this... it's not 140 hours of listening, it's ... ) a lifetime (or however long I maintain the iPod) of whatever music YOU like (even those 30 CDs you bought)...

and you prefer the former?

I mean, please, 20 lapdances in, say, 5 hours (8 pm - 1am) would be a bit obsessive and belies a repressed need for a wholesome, free lay... but in an hour? You aren't getting suckered for those $60,$80,$100 pops at a time, are you? You know, I can probably get you a half-decent-looking whore, that'll let you do anything, for around $400 if you want.

"Seriously, never had much use for these portable music devices. Maybe if I was still a college student, but then I couldn't afford $400."

Maybe if you were a college student, you could have sex for FREE too...

...but, you're right, that's unlikely.

Don't know why you want to identify yourself as someone who no longer can enjoy music as an adult and as an adult who'd rather pay for sexual contact rather than enjoy music...

Personally, I can still get laid and still enjoy music.

...and you might enjoy some of my music too.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Wednesday, August 27, 2003 at 01:41.

#23 By 3653 ( at 8/27/2003 1:21:48 AM
Apple will replace the battery? God, I would hope so for that purchase price. I can buy a complete Dell computer for that price. Jeez. We are talking about a simple mp3 player... not a work of art. Its slick plastic over a hard disk... not exactly cutting edge technology.

For all the ipods that have been sold... i have yet to see one in the wild, in an actual user's hands. I guess I just run in a more sophisticated crowd.

Regardless, Media2go will make these simple audio players a thing of the past.


"a lifetime of music" LOL. Yeah, and I'm still using my 8-track too. So stupid!

Is anyone else grossed out reading sodajerk talk about getting laid? Hey jerk, unfortunately getting off with your own hairy hand (while listening to elton john, i'll wager) doesnt really count. And no more details please. hurl.

This post was edited by mooresa56 on Wednesday, August 27, 2003 at 01:28.

#24 By 135 ( at 8/27/2003 11:38:22 AM
sodajerk - LOL! I'm having fun.

You guys take all this stuff so seriously. Who cares if you got an iPod or an ePod or a monoPod. If you have a use for it, and can justify $400... great!

I'm looking at buying a Nokia 6610 phone that has a built in FM radio. Now that's useful!

#25 By 8589 ( at 8/27/2003 12:43:48 PM
#31, I am looking forward to buying a cell phone that can access world wide TV programs from satellite. <g>

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