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#1 By
20 (
8/3/2003 11:20:07 AM
mhfm: Very cool movie. Certainly one of the better ones depicting the trials that have ever been done, just judging from the trailer.
Except they made the common mistake about the nail through the hand. I think most scholars agree that the nail would've had to have been through the near-wrist or at least some rope or other supports would've been present because the bones/muscles/tendons in the hands would not be sufficient to support the weight of the human body.
#2 By
135 (
8/3/2003 12:11:18 PM
Looks like some cool movies coming out.
Master and Commander looks pretty cool.
LOL Bubba Ho-Tep looks funny. They're even making a Punisher movie. Heh.
#3 By
7390 (
8/3/2003 1:32:03 PM
Thank, that Lord of the Rings trailer was good
#4 By
143 (
8/3/2003 3:03:43 PM
I wonder if there going to do "The Hobbit" ?
#5 By
3339 (
8/4/2003 1:57:30 PM
mhfm, see, at first I was just going to ignore your first post: yes, what about Mel Gibson's The Passion? (Who gives a sh!t!)
But based on your last post, now I understand... you're an anti-science religious nut. Okay.
Too bad everyone today agrees the Shroud was created between 1260 and c. 1390 ACE. I guess your Messiah lived over 1250 years longer than The Passion and your scripture depict.
#6 By
3339 (
8/4/2003 3:10:09 PM
mhfm: ha, ha, ha, ha! Three independent research teams with virtually the same dating... that corrects for the mistake of the original dating is "inaccurate," and they had an "agenda" and aren't true "scientists." Ha, ha, ha, whatever. The fact is these three independent teams had the permission of the Church, were overseen and peer reviewed by the Church, and at least one of them (I think the U of Arizona) had the intention of proving the authenticity of it.
"For these people it would have been better if they were never born." Yes, that's very Christian of you. Always appreciate hearing this sort of thing from someone who thinks they are a "true believer" and anyone who disagrees with them is not. Ridiculous.
You're getting all creamy in your pants about a film WRITTEN by Mel Gibson, but anyone who disagrees with your scientifically-disproven idiocy is better off dead! Sweet.
#7 By
3339 (
8/4/2003 5:18:10 PM
And, again, what a wonderful Christian you are!
"Yes, it would have been better for these people if they were never born, that way they wouldn't have to burn in Hell forever."
"since the conmen with the anti-Christ agenda lied about the accuracy of the dating methods and most likely even fabricated the results, many people will never get to be Christians."
Jesus Christ, you are insane, aren't you? Christianity isn't a matter of faith, but of proof... and the best proof you've got is the shroud? Sad.
#8 By
3339 (
8/4/2003 6:50:01 PM
What leads you to believe I follow the "cult of science"?
Three independently conducted analyses supervised by the Church arriving at similar results using tests which have been determined to be accurate? Yes, I trust that it is scientifically valid data.
"Frankly I would be very suprised if they didn't do it." Why? They were supervised and peer-reviewed by the Church itself. Do you think the Church is involved in this conspiracy?
Why am I bothering? You are a head case. I don't criticize you for following a bunch of priests in long robes. I criticize you for your mindlessness, period. I have no interest in debating you; just calling you out as a complete nutjob -- hence, any other ideas you may hold will be held suspect in the future.
And I imagine you, like Carl Everett, do not "believe" in Dinosaurs either, right?
Ha, ha, ha, ha! I've got no proble with faith. It's idiocy that I can't tolerate. It's saying having doubts and seeking confirmation the same way Thomas did is a "CRIME" that I have a problem with. It's believing that people are kept from "conversion" by the facts/reality that I have a problem with, etc....
#9 By
3339 (
8/4/2003 7:04:53 PM
"That means nothing to me. " And I give a sh!t because.... what? If I had the rotten corpse of Jesus H. Christ himself in my backyard, you wouldn't believe me, and I wouldn't give a sh!t. The only point that's significant is that you feel a piece of cloth from the Mid Ages is the most substantial proof for your religion. And that your religion needs proof. And any evidence to the contrary is a crime against god. Meanwhile you bring up this twaddle while discussing the "accuracy" of an American film written by the great scholar himself, Mel Gibson. Laughable. Retarded. I'll second guess every opinion you ever have. Thanks.
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