Thanks for the update Hailstorm. So if I understood correctly I will be able to include my HTTP MSN account as a sub-folder in my Exchange mailbox, or it will be a separate folder, on the same root of my mailbox as today? Honestly the reason I never switched to BYOA is the POP3 issue. Don't get me wrong I like the idea of being always connected, reading my email and checking news while I shave in the morning, reading and dictating email in my car etc. etc. The big problem here is that all these services are offered by different companies; in my case: DSL by BellSouth, cellular by T Mobile, MSN, who knows who will offer the one for the car, etc.; plus all these services will have several levels: basic, de luxe, premium, platinum etc. I mean what is going to be the total costs of these services? In order to be financially succesfull a large amount of people must sign in. It is like email: I remember in '94, at the time I was using Compuserve MSN was not there yet, and most of my friends did not even know what email was. So my point is how much would is the average Jo0e Smith willing to spend, monthly, to be totally connected?
Of course all of us would spend a lot, I even have a network with domain, 2003 Server and Exchange at home, but the average user?
Anyway thanks again for the update I am looking for MSN 9 and see what is going to be.