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  Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee New Trailer
Time: 03:58 EST/08:58 GMT | News Source: Gamespot | Posted By: Byron Hinson

Microsoft has released a new trailer video of Munch's Oddysee for Xbox. GameSpot has a new trailer video for Microsoft's upcoming Xbox game Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. This particular trailer will appear in Microsoft's retail kiosks during the US launch period and will also be used by the company to cross-promote the game - it will appear as a demo clip that will be included in other Xbox games. Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee, which is currently in the final stages of development at Oddworld Inhabitants, will be one of Microsoft's first-party launch games for the Xbox and will be supported extensively under the company's $500 million US marketing campaign. Follow the link above to download the trailer...

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