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08:14 EST/13:14 GMT | News Source:
WinInformant |
Posted By: Todd Richardson |
Thanks, RMD. In a pre-show demonstration of the Longhorn graphics subsystem at the WinHEC trade show in New Orleans Monday night, I saw for the first time some of the advanced video effects that Microsoft will enable in the next Windows version. Longhorn, due in late 2004 or early 2005, includes a completely new desktop composition system that replaces the model used in previous Windows versions with one that is more technically advanced, visually appealing, and scalable. The early test versions Microsoft is showing at WinHEC include amazing animation effects, smooth window scaling, and advanced window translucency.
#1 By
442 (
5/6/2003 9:42:06 AM
Wow! Sounds just like the graphics technology I've been using Since Mac OS X was released almost TWO YEARS AGO! Granted, the first release sucked, but the imaging technologies were there no less. OS X finally came of age in version 10.1 where the GUI technologies had matured even further. With Quartz Extreme in Jaguar it went leaps and bounds ahead of anything else out there.
It's nice to see Microsoft, as usual, playing catch up. Longhorn comes out in 2004 or 2005, right? Don't worry, by then Apple will have something even more advanced to make Windows look pathetic once again.
#2 By
2459 (
5/6/2003 11:11:35 AM
Quartz Extreme is no match for Longhorn's graphics.
Quartz Extreme only accelerates compositing, not the entire desktop. This is probably one reason why operations such as Window resizing are slow. Longhorn uses Direct3D to push all graphics operations through the accelerated 3D pipeline. Also, Apple only leads in commercial implementation, whereas Microsoft had Windows running through 3D hardware since the 1990s and will have a more completely thought-out solution by the time of commercial availability. This isn't a response to Apple, more likely, Apple's support was a response to what was coming from MS, combined with the need to somehow speed up the OS X's UI without changing CPU or computer architecture.
#3 By
1868 (
5/6/2003 11:17:23 AM
n4cer, while I agree that Microsoft has been the leader in 3d support in the OS, I haven't seen any Windows OS implementation of it. However, Apple has done the OS implementation part.
#4 By
5444 (
5/6/2003 11:28:00 AM
must be nice to be a monopoly based hardware company that controls both the hardware and software. but wait Apple couldn't get it right when they only have a small amount of hardware to support instead of the near billion combinations of hardware that MS has to be able to support.
I am sorry Apple is the Console of PC's. known controlled hardware. Now if MS takes and starts makeing making hardware from the standpoint of delivering an all in one system then you can talk.
While I do applaud Apple from basically taking the giant leap forward and going with new hardware and a new kernal. MS doesn't have that option, even being a monopoly it relies on system vendors to make a system that supports it software.
#5 By
2459 (
5/6/2003 11:33:46 AM
nice troll, jaredbkt, I noticed the same exact post on neowin :-)
Zeo01, probably the most well known implementation of Windows 3D accelerated UI is TaskGallery. http://research.microsoft.com/ui/TaskGallery/index.htm
If you want something more recent, the specifications for Longhorn were given at last year's WinHEC.
A New Graphics Platform and New Requirements
(4.1 MB self-extracting zipped PowerPoint presentation; May 2, 2002)
Windows Longhorn Graphics Infrastructure and Text Rendering
(3.9 MB self-extracting zipped PowerPoint presentation; May 2, 2002)
Hardware Accelerating Desktop Graphics and Color Management
(496 KB self-extracting zipped PowerPoint presentation; May 2, 2002)
Again, Apple only does compositing in any case, MS does all graphics operations, and has made specific allowances to increase efficiency for the new paradigm.
#6 By
3 (
5/6/2003 12:32:22 PM
Not really a troll in my view as he has a point, what Microsoft is trying to do here is catch up with Apple's excellent UI and add some actual style to Windows. The only question is - by the time Microsoft finally come out with an OS that is good to look at, what will Apple come out with. If you want a troll I'll give you one, what the hell was that HP & Microsoft PC that they showed at WinHec, a complete rip off of an iMac!
Personally I can't wait to get my hands on Longhorn, even though I have a great looking OS already!
#7 By
116 (
5/6/2003 1:30:03 PM
It cracks me up when the Apple zealots play that card...
Having used OS X I can honestly say that the os while nicer than RedHat or Mandrake still leaves much to be desired for me. Use what you like. Use what works best for you. Buts its a sign of weakness or insecurity when you have to tear down the competition to build yourself up.
Be happy in the choice you made (it sure was an expensive one wasn't it?).
#9 By
442 (
5/6/2003 2:15:16 PM
Oh, and by the way RedAvenger: "Be happy in the choice you made (it sure was an expensive one wasn't it?)."
Actually it wasn't expensive at all. You see Macs have what's called a lower cost of ownership. That means in the same period of time that I own my Mac, you'll pay much more to get your PC do to the same things and to repair it. The day you can spec out a PC with ALL of the exact same parts and software as a Mac is the day I'll buy one. I want software that's simple and elegant to use, an OS that doesn't crash or freeze, an OS that doesn't get viruses or have gaping security holes, and a computer that's fun to use. Show me that in a PC? News flash....you can't!
I've had my iMac for about three years and have put about $100 into it for extra memory...that's it! Everything else runs flawlessly and very quickly. This old iMac runs circles around my friend's new 2GHZ PC. It's sad and funny all at the same time :-)
#10 By
3 (
5/6/2003 2:20:50 PM
and my iMac was £400 cheaper than the latest PC, so i guess not as expensive as people like to keep telling others.
#11 By
135 (
5/6/2003 2:37:10 PM
Byron - "a complete rip off of an iMac! "
Let me explain something...
This is innovation: (maybe not this company, but the concept in general)
This just looks pretty:
Are you seriously going to claim that Apple invented the idea of putting a computer in an LCD display and making it a small desktop? I mean seriously?
Anybody remember the BASF commercials... "We didn't invent plastic, we just made it stronger."
That's what companies primarily do.
#12 By
2459 (
5/6/2003 3:07:10 PM
"Actually QuickTime and OpenGL render everything else and all 2D and 3D graphics processes are sent through the video card, not the main CPU. OS X has been 3D hardware optimized for sometime now. "
Sure, all 2D and 3D graphics processes are sent through the graphics card, but they are all not sent through the graphics card's 3D pipeline.
Quartz consists of 2 parts basically, the Quartz Compositor and Quartz 2D.
Quartz, as a whole, is basically like Windows GDI+.
Quartz Extreme is the use of OpenGL to accelerate the operations of the Quartz Compositor (the compositor does no actual rendering).
Drawing operations (done through Quartz 2D, etc.) remain the same as they were before Quartz Extreme (either unaccelerated, or accelerated using the graphics hardware's 2D acceleration features like public versions of Windows do currently).
Apple, like with almost everything they've released, exaggerated on what was actually going on as far as their average end-users were concerned.
#13 By
116 (
5/6/2003 7:58:10 PM
1. I am sorry you have to use a mac... My condolences.
2. PC's run circles around Macs... please try and refute this fact, its always fun
3. Byron if you have to do development on an iMac your life must really suck.
4. Spec out any mac and I will find a faster pc for half the price. Go ahead try me.
Again, its quite comical how you apple zealot/trolls post this crap on a MS/Windows enthusiast site. Dont you have an activemac site where you guys can all go and pat each other on the back for wasting money?
lol. apple zealots gotta love em.
#14 By
61 (
5/6/2003 8:07:20 PM
Dee, blue too much?
Blue just happens to be a color that is very very easy on the eyes, moreso than most other colors.
And then of course, you can always change it to whatever you like if you don't like blue.
#15 By
135 (
5/6/2003 10:17:45 PM
blue is the best color in the world, far superior to silver!
#16 By
2332 (
5/6/2003 11:37:40 PM
Wow, you guys are coming to quite a few conclusions based of a couple of paragraphs of text and a single blurry screen shot.
The fact is, we have no idea what Microsoft is really planning on doing with Longhorn's GUI.
I do know that it will support things that OS X can't currently do. For instance, an window in OS X cannot be scaled. This is why OS X takes a screen shot of your window just before you minimize it, and then shows that screen shot as the icon for the window. It's jus a resized bitmap.
Longhorn has the ability to scale UI components indefinitly, and provide a real-time mini versions of the window, so your icons could actually be real time representations of the actual application.
Anyway, almost everything we throw out here at this point is speculative at best. Let's let Microsoft at least get out a beta before we starting jumping to conlusions about who is doing the innovating, and who isn't. (I'll be taking early bets though... and mine is on Microsoft, surprise, surprise.)
#17 By
3 (
5/7/2003 7:08:33 AM
#17 - since when did I say i develop on it? I prefer it to my PC thats all, I do the activewin design on it simply because I prefer to use Dreamweaver on my Mac than my PC etc, why just like everyone else do you have make comments you think are valid for people who are happy with what they have?
#18 By
116 (
5/7/2003 2:52:14 PM
Byron you crack me up dude.
Again apologies on your work environment.
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