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08:40 EST/13:40 GMT | News Source:
Slashdot |
Posted By: Todd Richardson |
NiteStar writes "It looks like people on xbox-scene.com and xboxhacker.net managed to run Xbox-Linux on a non-modded Xbox console. It requires no soldering at all - you don't even have to open up the Xbox. They are using an exploit in the saved game handling of the EA xbox game '007 Agent Under Fire'. It requires the original version of the 007 game and a memorycard you can connect to PC like the mega-X-key or datel's action replay. Apparently you can even build this memorycard yourself using a standard USB memstick." Frankly it seems like just soldering in the modchip would be easy, but big points for being clever!
#1 By
415 (
3/31/2003 9:47:25 AM
What a massive waste of time! Why don't they devote a bit of this energy to something truly worth while?
#2 By
1295 (
3/31/2003 10:17:25 AM
Is this really news?
#3 By
7754 (
3/31/2003 10:48:51 AM
I guess because they figure they can "stick it to the man" if they can run Linux on Microsoft-subsidized hardware....
#4 By
135 (
3/31/2003 11:25:05 AM
Creative solution... :)
#5 By
6859 (
3/31/2003 11:34:58 AM
Here's a question nobody's really been able to answer: now that they have got Linux to run on their XBox, what are they going to do with that feature? Anything they couldn't do before? Anything this will do better than, say, a generic PC?
If not, then this is truly a geek-heaven waste of time; amounting to nothing, meaning nothing.
#6 By
2459 (
3/31/2003 12:29:52 PM
Kinda ironic, but maybe they're just doing it for the money (Michael Robertson). :-)
#7 By
2459 (
3/31/2003 1:23:50 PM
So, while other OS vendors seek to increase the usability of their OS, the Linux community seeks to decrease the usability of their OS by getting it to run on decreasingly capable devices. I wonder if there are any distros for toasters or solar-powered calculators, or maybe Linux for those potato-powered clocks.
#8 By
7826 (
3/31/2003 2:07:34 PM
Just because you exploited a bug and get past the security in XBox doesn't mean all you do is legal. Remember the DeCSS key used in DVD movie that is extracted from a bug in XingDVD software? It has already been proven in court that is illegal to use in any circumstances.
#9 By
135 (
3/31/2003 2:13:00 PM
There is no purpose behind this activity, it's just a bunch of college kids with nothing better to do.
#10 By
7754 (
3/31/2003 2:46:25 PM
I can't wait to hear someone bragging about their rack of XBox Linux servers running their website.... Then someone could say a sentence probably never uttered among mankind before: "Microsoft and Linux saved our company thousands of dollars!!"
#11 By
2459 (
3/31/2003 4:22:54 PM
As long as it's a "worthless project", it's okay. But some of these people take these projects seriously enough to complain to the EU with accusations of product dumping just because MS won't allow them to easily create a mass distribution that uses the XBOX in a way not originally intended.
#12 By
135 (
3/31/2003 9:59:30 PM
bjd145 - Do you seem me complaining? I just don't think this is newsworthy.
#13 By
12071 (
3/31/2003 11:36:21 PM
#19 Of course this is newsworthy. Being able to get linux installed on an xbox has been going on for a while now with people trying all sorts of things and then this guy came out and did it by exploiting a buffer overflow. It's easy to sit back now and say that was no great feat, buffer overflows exist all over the place etc etc, the point is that no-one had thought about exploiting a buffer overflow to beat the system. It is now possible to legally (I don't think the DMCA applies... could be wrong!) run linux on the xbox.
Wether or not you or I would want to is irrelevant, someone obviously wants to, maybe for the challange of being able to do it, maybe to have a dirt cheap yet relatively powerful 'pc' at their disposal. Maybe all they will ever do with it is install MAME and play the 3000 or so arcade games through their xbox.... who knows!
This may be completely irrelevant and meaningless to you, it may even seem as a complete waste of time, but if people want to be able to do this with their xbox... why do you care?
#14 By
135 (
4/1/2003 1:37:59 PM
chris_kabuki - "It's easy to sit back now and say that was no great feat"
I didn't say it was no great feat... I simply said it wasn't news worthy.
"This may be completely irrelevant and meaningless to you, it may even seem as a complete waste of time, but if people want to be able to do this with their xbox... why do you care? "
See there you go again confusing my ambivalence with caring. I don't care, it just isn't news worthy.
Seems it would be better to talk about positive aspects of computers... doing new things, making consumers lives easier, etc.
We should be talking about ASP.NET starter kits! Now those are cool!
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