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19:22 EST/00:22 GMT | News Source:
ExtremeTech |
Posted By: Bill Roach |
I have trouble understanding why anyone would use Windows for anything other than a few, specialized graphics or other specialty programs. Perhaps Windows users love viruses, high software costs, and all the rest of the fun that comes with using Microsoft's most popular proprietary program. I personally prefer Linux and other open-source software, and I think Windows users should be glad that a growing number of smart computer users share my preference for software freedom.
#1 By
2332 (
1/2/2003 8:03:36 PM
Actually, BenQ, it should anoy anybody interested in reality, and non the "Linux is better than everybody" bonzo worth the author lives in.
Let's get to the article:
"So far, most Microsoft attempts to keep users from moving from Windows to Linux have been laughable."
Perhaps, but only because there is no need to try. Users currently moving to Linux consist of a fringe that is so small, it's insignificant... at least in the desktop world. In the server world, there is no evidence that Microsoft is losing marketshare to Linux. Instead, Sun is losing marketshare to Linux. Microsoft's server marketshare continues to rise... and for good reason.
"In most server and many desktop situations, Linux and associated open source software packages are less costly to install and maintain than Windows, typically run more reliably and, as an added bonus, will run on less expensive hardware."
Funny... Microsoft cites studies (even if they are funded by Microsoft themselves)... what does this guy cite? Oh... ya... nothing.
They will certainly run on less expensive hardware, but more reliably? No operating system except for Win2k Datacenter GUARUNTEES 99.999% uptime. NONE.
"We already see Microsoft offering enterprise customers better deals on some of its applications packages (notably Microsoft Office) than it did in the past because of competition from OpenOffice and its proprietary but amazingly inexpensive cousin, StarOffice"
Huh? Where are the stats? While I'm happy as a clam as MS lowers their prices, I seriously doubt they would do so to compete with StarOffice or OpenOffice. The marketshare of those products is close to 0.
"As far as security, do you honestly believe Microsoft would suddenly be talking about "Trustworthy Computing" if not for competitive pressure from Linux and open source?"
Actually, yes... I do. Microsoft's security problems have absolutely nothing to do with Linux, and they would need to fix them whether Linux was around or not.
"Perhaps someday, Microsoft may even come out with versions of Outlook and Outlook Express that don't facilitate the spread of e-mail viruses and worms. As a Linux user, I am not directly affected by these nuisances, but I am rather tired of them sucking up bandwidth."
Yawn. The current versions of Outlook/OE are so locked down, pretty much nothing can happen. This is the way it should have been to begin with, yes... but anyway. As far as him not getting viruses... no kidding... people don't target OS's with less market share than Macs.
I always hear about security problems in Windows... yet with auto-update enabled, I never have to worry about them. In addition, my server current has a 403 day uptime (stupid unreliable Win2k server)... and yes, that includes security reboots. (I have it sitting behind router on a private network, and then sitting behind a firewall that only lets a certain set of IPs through... and even then, it blocks all but a few ports.)
The fact is, the majority of Windows users use Windows because IT IS EASY... and that's all they care about. Most of them aren't affected by viruses (they run virus software which is installed automatically by the OEM... like Dell), and most are very happy with Windows. They don't want to deal with the crap that Linux forces on you (go ahead... install a new DVD drive... you honestly think your Dad could do that on Linux!? HA!)... and they want what is familiar.
THAT is why most people use Windows. I use Windows because it runs all the software I need, plays all the games I want, is as secure as I want it to be (very secure, in other words), and has NEVER CRASHED ONCE on me. (I run XP... before that, Win2k crashed a total of twice.. once for a HD failure, once for a RAM failure.)
#2 By
135 (
1/2/2003 10:24:12 PM
Nothing to see here... it's just Roblimo spouting the usual nonsense.
#3 By
6859 (
1/2/2003 11:15:10 PM
"Roblimo" is a retard, why does anyone report anything he says? He's a troll, a linux zealot, and, near as I can tell, someone who had to quit driving his limo because he couldn't make his business model functional--then goes on to write a book and hock it on his "site" that looks like it was made by a 3 year old kid with a learning impediment.
#5 By
135 (
1/3/2003 1:13:38 AM
RMD - Good link, that itsecurity.com one. It's rare to see well-reasoned debate on the Internet, so much of it these days is very much like the Roblimo article... people with questionable qualifications offering in-expert advice which is designed not to derive a good answer, but the Linux answer.
#6 By
11262 (
1/3/2003 8:03:48 AM
No offense, but LINUX is for geeks who are addicted to sci-fi that live in there parents basement. Besides, LINUX users are known for writing these virus and doing the 'hacking'.
#7 By
6859 (
1/3/2003 8:53:10 AM
#18, FUD, yapped... "I say they you seem to have your "facts" confused with unsubstantiated opinion."
And what, exactly, is different with your opinions (as posted?) Hmm? RMD posts to articles, you simply quip out randomly.
I've said it before, I will now say it again: most of the FUD being generated is FROM the Linux community not from MS.
#8 By
11262 (
1/3/2003 9:34:53 AM
#19 "True but windows used to be for geeks only, many years ago, infact all computers used to be for geeks only, times change.
I'm sure many home users had tons of fun playing with Dos, I know I did(sarcasm), if Ms can change why can't Linux?
There's no law stopping Linux from becoming an easy to use OS."
You are absolutely right, the point is the market will not bring out any good content anytime soon for LINUX. There is no demand for it as of yet. In my opinion, no to offend #22 as it being an expert opinion, that LINUX is only being used by computer programmers who can't wait for the next series of Star Trek.
#9 By
135 (
1/3/2003 10:24:25 AM
FUD - "The problem arises when one claims their opinions as fact."
Actually my big complaint is when people try to convince you that their uneducated opinion should be as well respected as an educated one.
The links RMD gave were to educated opinions.
"Yes, we would much rather see expert advice designed to derive the MS answer."
If you'll notice the links, they did not derive the MS answer. They gave an intelligent answer that might involve the use of MS products, or it might not.
That's the difference between expert advice and the childish crap that we see from the Linux community. It's always "Linux everywhere!" and seldom takes into consideration whether or not Linux is actually the best TECHNICAL solution for the problem.
#11 By
8062 (
1/3/2003 11:21:44 AM
I've run about 6-7 different versions of Linux. I'm now on RedHat 8.0 and I'm here to tell you that Linux as a desktop replacement is the least productive way to accomplish any office orientated task. Our capitalistic based economy would grind to a complete halt if the majority of company offices around America switched to Linux on their desktops.
However, having said that I’m also here to tell everyone that Linux is the absolute best way I currently know of to have fun and waste time!
#12 By
2332 (
1/3/2003 1:15:59 PM
#31 - I suggest you read the article posted:
"Serebryany obtained the documents while working part-time at a law firm in California that performed legal work for DirecTV."
In other words, he stole them.
The majority of the comments on Slashdot seem to support the guy, with phrases like "Free Serebryany" offered as a both a joke and as a slogan.
So why exactly does Soda need medical attention?
#13 By
135 (
1/3/2003 4:46:22 PM
bluesky - It is the people who post anonymously on forums like this and slashdot, as well as publish articles like this from Roblimo, as they represent the Linux marketing arm.
Linux wasn't always like this, it started going this direction around about 1997, about the same time I abandoned it. Most of the friends I introduced to Linux have also since abandoned it for similar reasons.
Now read this quote from Roblimo.com... "I started messing with Linux in 1996 and have used it as my primary desktop operating system since 1998."
It was also at this time that OSI was formed. It was also at this time that Erik Raymond entered the scene, along with Joe Barr and a number of other former OS/2 zealots. Check out opensource.org... the entire website is nearly entirely dedicated to promoting FUD about Microsoft, which is quite different from promoting a business case for open source.
Linux is about being negative. What's the point in that?
#15 By
2332 (
1/3/2003 6:32:47 PM
Ironically, it was around 98 that I would have probably switched completely to Linux if I didn't need Windows so much for school.
I *hated* Windows 98. *HATED* it. My hate for Windows 98 is so vast, it could actually eat all of the Linux community's hate for a quick snack, and then go have a snack.
Anyway, I was rescued by Windows 2000... which restored by happiness with Windows... well, Windi that could play games. I was always happy with NT.
#16 By
135 (
1/3/2003 10:04:39 PM
bluesky - "It's *just* an operating system... "
Unfortunately it's not just an OS. Part of Linux is buying into the whole paradigm that developer's are worthless and that all software should have zero cost associated.
I understand you probably mean well, you just want to find a solution to your problem. But by encouraging the use of Linux you are associating yourself with this evil called the FSF.
I wish it were just an OS, that's what it was back prior to 1997.
#17 By
2332 (
1/4/2003 2:59:03 PM
#40 - Soda is driven to one extreme only because of the fact that the Linux community is a very small, but loud proponent of the other extreme.
You can't exactly suggest a middle ground when your opponents want nothing less than blood.
#18 By
135 (
1/5/2003 2:27:17 AM
bluesky - I'm much more of a zealot online then in real life, as I tend to overexagerrate online. :)
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