Doesn't this border on extortion?
"A consumers rights group yesterday demanded that computer software maker Microsoft cut its local prices by 75 percent before talks on its requested settlement over alleged antitrust practices in Taiwan start"
In other words, MS must pay (in terms of reduced prices) to gain the privelige to negotiate not to have fines or other penalties levied against them. Is this the way it works in that country for its native companies, or is it just MS?
It is one thing for a person or group of people to goto MS and demand that they lower their prices. Microsoft can agree, or disagree with that. But to demand that they lower their prices, then maybe they can try to defend themselves against a Taiwan Govt., to me that sounds like Extortion.
Think of it this way, would it be valid for the state of California to go to Microsoft and say "We want you to supply our state with free software for as long as your company is in buisness. If you agree, then we are going to take you to court and sue you for anti-trust. If you do not agree, then we are not going to sue you, we will just fine you as much as we want."?
I am not sure about the laws of Taiwan, but if this is the way the laws work there, that is one more place to add to the list of places I will not do business in.