"There is a wealth of software avaialble. OK I should say productive software. To say there isn't much you can do speaks volumes of the ignorance of what you can now do with Linux based platforms."
That all depends on what you want to do with your software and how much interoperability you want with other systems. OpenOffice.org's office suite is seriously lacking. It would be rather unfortunate if you did work at school with Microsoft Office and couldn't use the docs well at home. It would also be unfortunate if you couldn't take your docs from home and use them at school.
How many web sites are there that cater to Konquerer? Mozilla? Opera? That's right, not too many.
I should also mention there is a big difference between what you can do with the Linux platform and what the common man can do with the Linux platform.
"for a true gamer consider buying a PS2/Gamecube/XBox for really great gaming"
There is a huge difference between PC and console based gaming. Some of the best games out there (start with anything Blizzard makes and go from there), would be horrible if ported to a console.
"To discourage a person for buying a system entirely does a disservice to them and the industry if this is the best system they can afford. "
To not inform someone that the computer they can afford is not the system that will really suit their needs, is also a great disservice.
"I would wither stick with the stock OS or another Linux OS or get a copy of Windows from another source (wink wink nod nod)."
First, if you are going to steal Windows, you may as well just steal a PC from a Mom and Pop shop. Theft is theft, if you're going to do it, you may as well get good hardware while you're at it. (In case someone missed it, that was sarcasm.)
Second, the fact that you advocate piracy is really disturbing.
"let me see is anyone else following this business model?"
There is a HUGE difference between Dell and this walmart website. If dell wasn't successful doing direct marketting, they'd be out of business, since it is their only distribution channel. If walmart was not successful doing direct marketing, it would have little impact on their bottom line, because the majority of their revenue comes from brick and mortar.