#6, to clarify, the Exchange stores are not held in a single database, but each store is a separate database made up of two database files. If you have only one public folders store and one store for the individual accounts, you'll have four database files (at least in Exchange 2000: priv1.edb, priv1.stm, pub1.edb, and pub1.stm), and each store database is a combination of its .edb and its .stm file. Like you say, though, you can separate them out (in Exchange Enterprise Edition) by creating separate storage groups. In addition to that, you have the transaction log files, which note the changes that are going to be made to the database before they are actually written.
TECh and Sodablue are correct that the database is based on JET, not SQL (at least not yet).
This post was edited by bluvg on Thursday, October 24, 2002 at 12:24.