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  Windows Longhorn Shots Leaked
Time: 19:02 EST/00:02 GMT | News Source: WinBeta | Posted By: Byron Hinson

It looks like a few Windows Longhorn shots have been leaked to the internet, we've had a few sent in yesterday but unfortunatly we can't post them without having to remove them within about 10 minutes. Here is what had to say about theirs:

Recent longhorn screenshots inspired us here at -WiNBETA to share a few pictures of a toy we've had for quite a few weeks now. 3663 shots recently surfaced, and we honestly felt sorry for the general public, and a little guilty that we had better, so its time to share. Are you sitting comfortably, then we'll begin

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#1 By 2332 ( at 10/20/2002 7:11:47 PM
Real / fake?

#2 By 665 ( at 10/20/2002 7:41:12 PM

#3 By 3653 ( at 10/20/2002 7:44:51 PM
beeyp, do you think Virtual Desktops first appeared with KDE? LOL.

#4 By 135 ( at 10/20/2002 7:49:42 PM
beeyp - Virtual desktops have been around forever!

The first Unix windows manager that had them, if I recall correctly, was tvtwm. They've been around on Windows since the 3.1 days. The Amiga even had virtual desktop hacks. I mean good grief, KDE didn't appear until like 10 years later.

The probably I used to have with X11 stability was usually the windows manager crashing. At which point X11 would exit and you'd lose all your apps.

You are funny beeyp, you remind me of a kid whose only been using Linux for about 2 years and still thinks it is l33t.

This post was edited by sodablue on Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 19:51.

#5 By 3653 ( at 10/20/2002 7:58:12 PM
beeyp, i suppose KDE is also a "copycat", using your definition.

#6 By 1896 ( at 10/20/2002 8:15:30 PM
I don't know if they are true or faked but I surely hope the final release will allow users to choose between that horrible clock and something more modern. Maybe I am a minimalist or, as my ex-wife was used to call me, a "MoMA" guy but that watch is totally out of the contest.

This post was edited by Fritzly on Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 20:17.

#7 By 2062 ( at 10/20/2002 8:17:50 PM
It amazes me people are judging longhorn on a couple of screen shots. Why don't you guys wait for the beta? Alphas can change dramatically before the beta.


#8 By 20 ( at 10/20/2002 9:19:10 PM
These screenshots are either very very early alpha, or completely fake. There are some very obvious user-modifications to this OS. It looks like it's Windows XP (note the WinXP desktop backgrounds in his MyPictures?) that this guy photoshopped-up a bit.

#9 By 1190 ( at 10/20/2002 10:11:13 PM
Beeyp said: "Most of the current KDE users like how it looks at the moment :-o "

That comment pretty much speaks for itself.

#10 By 143 ( at 10/20/2002 10:30:53 PM
I’m using XP Pro… What’s the benefit in Longhorn?

#11 By 1845 ( at 10/20/2002 10:36:34 PM
#35 I'll get back to you in about two or three years when Windows "Longhorn" has a complete (and public) functional spec.

#12 By 11262 ( at 10/20/2002 10:44:48 PM
One thing is for sure, the picture of the bluejean girls is real. A friend of mine took that picture. You can find the bluejean girls under the caption "My Pictures, pretty, and lovely."

#13 By 1896 ( at 10/20/2002 10:57:08 PM
What sounds suspicious to me is that at this early stage they already have a "Media center edition". Based on what I heard about the actual "Media center" is a super-set to Windows XP and not part of the core OS. I believe that what MS was trying to do is to have a core OS and than adding special instructions for each edition like "Tablet PC" or "Media center".

#14 By 1845 ( at 10/20/2002 11:05:10 PM
I think the folks at WinBeta need to watch their language.

#15 By 2459 ( at 10/20/2002 11:28:54 PM
I add my vote of fake to this.

Why is the OS called Longhorn XP? MS would simply call it Longhorn <version>, i.e., "Longhorn Professional" or "Longhorn Server", etc. I say this is Photoshopped.

Also, why does IE have Update SP1 applied to it. If this is a new build of a new OS, their would be no updates applied.

Last, Longhorn was supposed to be a rewrite. While MS could use a modified XP build to test new managed APIs and interfaces, etc., I think Longhorn is a ways off from a Alpha/pre-alpha of the quality shown here. Also, I haven't known MS to use "Milestone" or "M" to signify a release version, and new art is one of the last things MS adds to the OS.

I'm guessing they got the build number (3663) from RC1 of .NET Server which was 3663.

This, along with what others have mentioned suggests the shots are very fake. Most likely, this is Window Blinds/Styles XP with the leaked sideshow or MSN 8 and some Photoshop work.

This post was edited by n4cer on Sunday, October 20, 2002 at 23:39.

#16 By 1845 ( at 10/20/2002 11:35:19 PM
That Longhorn XP thing look suspicious to me too.

#17 By 2459 ( at 10/21/2002 12:31:02 AM
lol, Enter the Penguinista that's gonna say all MS programmers are crappy programmers.

#18 By 1845 ( at 10/21/2002 1:08:31 AM
Someone at Microsoft also confirmed that if I send that email tracking system test email to 10 people, that I'll get $100.

#19 By 371 ( at 10/21/2002 5:28:16 AM
This is real, yes it is an early alpha, no the sql filesystem is not in yet, no the revulutionairy new GUI is not in yet. Again this is an alpha release, we are 2 to 3 years away for the final.
Have you seen early Whistler builds? just looked like win2k.

This pics are real, my site has the wallpaper that is used in the builds.


This post was edited by Bink on Monday, October 21, 2002 at 05:42.

#20 By 2459 ( at 10/21/2002 7:17:24 AM
But early Whistler builds were codenamed, Whistler, not Whistler 2000 or Whistler NT. I can't believe MS would call this Longhorn XP unless these shots were from a build where MS still saw Longhorn as a point release to XP. But, if that were the case, it wouldn't be version 6.0 as in the screenshots. IE has SP 1 updates applied. Plus, where is the "EN" (English) language designation in the Build number? There is an "N" about where this is supposed to be which hints further at editing. Unless I see Paul Thurrot or some other trusted source (or semi-trusted source like C/ZDNet) acknowledge this as real, I must take it as fake. Certain things go against what LH is supposed to be, and from past beta/Dev-Pre-beta release experience, this just doesn't quite add up.

Two other things: MSN 8 is on the desktop, which explains the deskbar. And, why is Longhorn compressed as an .rar file? Why are themes called themes instead of Visual Styles? Why is the brightness/contrast/etc. settings option called "Display Connection Settings"?

There's a lot of details that make me want to believe it is real, but still, a lot I have to question.

#21 By 6859 ( at 10/21/2002 8:59:49 AM
Although these seem pretty faked to me, the general layout is pretty good, and seems to steal a page (or two) from the RC of .Net server I have. So, although these aren't real shots, I would not be too surprised to see the final build of Longhorn look really close to these.

#22 By 6859 ( at 10/21/2002 10:54:37 AM

Love to, to bad the file is corrupt.

#23 By 1845 ( at 10/21/2002 11:28:35 AM
beeyp, this is a windows news forum. can we drop the kde conversation? that's a topic better suited for /.

#24 By 3653 ( at 10/21/2002 2:48:19 PM
sue you for what? we all know that linux devs get no pay and have no money.

#25 By 1845 ( at 10/21/2002 5:06:57 PM

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