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  Microsoft stubs its toe on its steppingstone in Europe
Time: 10:59 EST/15:59 GMT | News Source: E-Mail | Posted By: Byron Hinson

When Jose Lorvao took delivery of the most advanced interactive television system in the world, he relished the chance to send e-mail, check his bank account and record movies on his TV set while snuggling into his sofa. "I thought it was a great idea. It sounded like fun," Lorvao said of the iTV system devised by Microsoft Corp. and marketed by Portuguese cable operator TV Cabo. Three months later, in despair, he sent it back. "It just didn't work. It drove me crazy," the 32-year-old copy editor said.

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#1 By 2960 ( at 10/14/2002 12:50:03 PM

It's sad that the one thing they do do right, UTV, has been left lanquishing, unsupported, and unupdated.

The one thing they have in this area that actually works well isn't getting any attention :(


#2 By 3339 ( at 10/14/2002 12:55:56 PM
if it's "lanGuishing, unsupported, and unupdated"... how can it possibly be "the one thing they do do right?"

#3 By 3339 ( at 10/14/2002 1:45:40 PM
I can read, moron--simply don't see how restructuring a division every week, not supporting it, the product actually being 90% DirectTV anyway, the complete failure of WebTV (however it's repackaged), a miniscule number of customers/supporters, and nonexistent product awareness can possibly be doing something right... just sounds like a lone advocate for something that everyone else has rejected.

I'm sure there's some jackass in Portugual sitting in front of his TV right now saying the same thing, that doesn't mean he's right and it was a marketing failure, just means some fool has an opinion.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Monday, October 14, 2002 at 14:07.

#4 By 135 ( at 10/14/2002 2:13:33 PM
"I can read, moron"

I remain unconvinced.

#5 By 1845 ( at 10/14/2002 2:14:52 PM

#6 By 3339 ( at 10/14/2002 2:23:00 PM
soda, have you figured out the difference between a patent and trademark yet?


And, Bob, do you ever have a reason to post, or something to contribute. 98% of your posts are just commentary on other people's remarks... either that or simply licking MS's shoes.

Guess what? This story is about MS's failures to create a space in the interactive/internet TV market. If anyone of you would like to step up and say they've been successful and would like to explain why, please do so. Until then, you sound like you are trying to delude yourself or take potshots at me because at least then you sound like you are supporting MS. Pretty f'in lame.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Monday, October 14, 2002 at 14:24.

#7 By 1845 ( at 10/14/2002 2:25:58 PM
Hmm, it seems that you were making commentary on my post. Doesn't that put you in the same boat with me?

It seems that all you ever do is make commentary on others' posts.....either that or simply throwing acid on Microsoft's shoes.

#8 By 3653 ( at 10/14/2002 2:31:43 PM
Hey, wait a minute jerk... I thought I was the Eediot on patents and trademarks. You gave me that title, and now you bestow it on sodablue?

Can we please get an IGNORE feature. If not, can we at least get an IGNORE SODAJERK feature? His posts are full of namecalling (Eediot, Moron, etc) or cursing.

Everybody else... sodajerk is just mad because I sent Mrs. Sodajerk packing this morning. I'll leave it at that.

#9 By 1845 ( at 10/14/2002 2:34:51 PM
A few more details on that moore?

#10 By 3339 ( at 10/14/2002 2:41:01 PM
What the hell you talking about, mooresa? Do you think the universe only has room for one idiot? Do you think I need to call you an idiot everyday for you to keep that monicker? You and soda were both talking out your asses on the trademark issue. So... if you want it... yes, Mooresa, you too are a complete idiot.

My commentary, Bob, was along the lines of" you are fooling yourself if you think UTV is any less a failure than iTV." This is a contrary view--which equates to debate and discussion. What view or opinion have you expressed about UTV or iTV in your 3 posts? You haven't... there mindless chatter directed at me. Can we get back on the subject?

#11 By 1845 ( at 10/14/2002 2:43:32 PM
"And, Bob, do you ever have a reason to post, or something to contribute. 98% of your posts are just commentary on other people's remarks... either that or simply licking MS's shoes. "

FYI, this constitutes a commentary on my remarks. As such, it puts you in much the same boat that you have put me in. As for changing the subject, I'd argue that you are the one that changed the subject when you attacked me.

#12 By 3339 ( at 10/14/2002 2:47:46 PM
I "attacked" you? Grow some balls! I dared you to say something relevent to this issue or to shut up after explaining that you weren't saying anything, Bob. Well... can you?

This post was edited by sodajerk on Monday, October 14, 2002 at 14:48.

#13 By 1845 ( at 10/14/2002 3:15:09 PM
"Grow some balls!"

Is it just me or is that yet another commentary on my remarks. Every post you make to me jerk on this issue, is further evidence that you do the same thing that I do. How many posts do you have in this thread that have little or nothing do with the article, but more do with commentary on others' remarks?

#14 By 1643 ( at 10/14/2002 3:36:57 PM
Well, in response to the orginal post:

UTV is supported - All services are working great...and there or no plans to degrade the service.

UTV is being updated - Even after the org change, a new software rev came (version 1.1)...and version 1.2 is in beta right now (PS - It is a closed beta, so don't ask).

UTV is languishing - Well, I have to agree, it is unfortunate that the market did not take on to PVR like expected...even with TIVO (The numbers are still low). And now the devices are no longer being produced. Luckily, there is no plans to discontinue the service and it will continue to be updated.

Another reason that the product was discontinued was the merger between directv and not being MS friendly, and MS not wanting to invest in a company that may not exist. With the merjer rejected...there might be a UTV 2, but that has not been determined.

I have to say, I could not live without a PVR (Well maybe I could :). It frustrating travel and watch commercials without skipping through them or watching programs that I am not interested in (where I could record everything I want to watch the night before). Luckily, I have all my programs neatly recorded when I return home.


PS - Sodajerk, you really need to carry on normal conversations and not get emotional. Either get substantiated facts and figures that you can use, or keep your mouth shut (errr, keyboard unplugged). FUD, distortion, etc. conversations are getting boring.

Never argue with an idiot.
They drag you down to their level
then beat you with experience
- Dilbert

#15 By 3339 ( at 10/14/2002 3:44:28 PM
humor, I'm not emotional--I am enjoying the tizzy that the others are in though. I still maintain my original position: few agree with TL, and UTV is as big a flop as any European interactive TV venture for reasons greater than marketing. And, yes, Jagged, that is my point and I didn't miss TL's--he is simply deluding himself if he thinks UTV is technologically a successful PVR/satellite/interactive TV system. It's not, and never will be. Plain and simple--and you are all avoiding that point because you know it's true.

(And, no, Jagged, I don't think I'm decent, nevermind the only one. And I don't think I'm trashing posters to sound like I'm trashing MS; I think I'm trashing MS.)

This post was edited by sodajerk on Monday, October 14, 2002 at 16:46.

#16 By 1643 ( at 10/14/2002 4:43:43 PM
Hmmm, I'm am not taking my own advice :)

First, you are emotional because you sink to using insults as opposed to intellect...And in fact, I am sure you are a very smart person, but with a different point of view (which I think is awesome). However, quite simply, you ack like a di#$ in most of your posts...and that's all people see.


"he is simply deluding himself if he thinks UTV is technologically a successful PVR/satellite/interactive TV system"

I think UTV it is a awsome PVR/satellite/interactive system...unofortunately not profitable due to the lack of current consumer interest. Even though I try to sell my firends on PVR...they just don't get it. However, the few that do...LOVE IT!!!

Interactive is a little lax, but that is the content providers, not UTV. It can surf the web, and supports little itags in the does the best it can. Again, it does it's job well, just not comercially. Note - Tivo does not have any web browsing features.


#17 By 1845 ( at 10/14/2002 4:55:02 PM
Not sure what getting it up at night has to do with jerk's statements. For my part, I'm not in a tizzy, I'm just in it for the post count. Duh!

#18 By 2960 ( at 10/14/2002 4:55:15 PM
From a PRODUCT FUNCTIONALITY standpoint, Jerk.



#19 By 3339 ( at 10/14/2002 4:56:40 PM
humor, I like your post, loved the Dilbert quote, appreciate that you did step up and took the position I am challenging others to do, but...

"First, you are emotional..." No, I'm not and I don't know why you'd think you'd know that. I don't know why being a pain in the ass, and in your face, is inherently emotional--it's my style, it's sometimes necessary to get heard in this mindless blather. "However, quite simply, you ack like a di#$ in most of your posts...and that's all people see." However articulately and politely I express my views, there would still be plenty of posters insulting me because of my position--another reason for my style.

"you sink to using insults ... ...and that's all people see." Apparently--you failed to notice that Jagged presumed I was illiterate before I insulted him, and that soda perpetuated that insult before I responded to him. And mooresa jumped in without being mentioned at all. (But he doesn't count anyway--he's just obsessed with my sex life for some reason. Wonder what that could be?... hmmm.) And Bob is so pathetic he actually believes mooresa is screwing some non-existent wife of mine.

See... a few more insults from Jagged before I could post to you, humor. Yes, Jagged and Tech, I meant from a product functionality standpoint, just because I reused TL's own words doesn't mean I didn't have an argument in mind--it's hardly interactive, PVRs are done better by others (some may argue maybe), satellite TV isn't their product, and the web on TV sucks, it is their problem that they can't get providers to buy into their system, and I've only heard 2 people ever, ever recommend it--both here today. "lack of attention is what screwed it up"--my ass: it has always sucked and will always suck. The level of attention or marketing didn't, wouldn't, and won't change that.

This post was edited by sodajerk on Monday, October 14, 2002 at 17:44.

#20 By 2960 ( at 10/14/2002 4:59:41 PM
#16, Humor.

Yes, I'm aware of the 1.1 update. It came out shortly after the January CES show, where Microsoft was announcing all sorts of neat things for UTV, including over-the-internet programming.

And the 1.1 update was a damned fine update in several ways. They even got rid of that stupid "Help" button that took up 1/3 of the program listing screen. WooHoo!

But, since that time there has been NOTHING done. At least visibly. There are few bugs in UTV, but the one's that are there are serious. I'd list them here, but if you are a UTV user you already know about them.

I'm glad to hear a new update is coming. I look forward to it.

I still think it's a better service than Tivo, and that's why I'm so upset more hasn't been done with it.

Thanks for the info!


#21 By 2960 ( at 10/14/2002 5:02:18 PM

I don't think you read my original post very well. What a shame...


#22 By 1845 ( at 10/14/2002 5:56:18 PM
I never had your sex life in mind. But you do seem to have mine in your head considering how often you refer to my balls or homosexually activity with Microsoft execs. As for moore's statement, it is quite possible that your wife works for him and he fired her this morning. That's not sex. Get your mind out of the gutter.

#23 By 3339 ( at 10/14/2002 6:03:48 PM
Actually, Bob I'm quite certain I never made any gay jokes, and if you don't know that having balls refers to being a little bit tougher, no wonder you're such a pussy. (Again, that's not about your sex life--that's about you being emotionally fragile.)

And since you can't understand the meaning of "sodajerk is just mad because I sent Mrs. Sodajerk packing this morning. I'll leave it at that."... well, let's just say that explains your excellent comprehension skills. Don't know why my mind is the gutter for presuming you understood it, but I guess your right.

#24 By 1845 ( at 10/14/2002 6:08:45 PM
lol, fyi a literal interpretation of "licking Bill's balls" would be a sexual interpretation. Since I am a man and Bill is a man and you made the comment (more than once) 0 you woiuld be making gay statements.

You should just tone down your comments and people won't misunderstand you. I'm well aware that most of the time you bring up genetalia, you aren't implying a sexual interpretation. Since your comments of such a nature are inappropriate to begin with, a non intended intretive response seems appropriate to me.

#25 By 3339 ( at 10/14/2002 6:13:26 PM
"Since your comments of such a nature are inappropriate to begin with, a non intended intretive response seems appropriate to me" Don't know why you glory in being an ignorant ass, Bob, but all the best to you and your folks.

For the too stupid to comprehend figurative speech and/or the too-PC to be able to read references to body parts and/or curses:

linking balls, kissing ass, sucking ass = ass-kissing (sorry, I couldn't think of an appropriate synonym that says it quite like "ass-kissing")

grow some balls = take it like a man, they're only words

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