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  Torvalds stays out of MS debate
Time: 10:27 EST/15:27 GMT | News Source: The Register | Posted By: Byron Hinson

Linus Torvalds, the founder and creator of the Linux operating system, has admitted that he would be stuck for words if he ever found himself standing eye to eye with Bill Gates. It's not that he hates the man, far from it in fact, but rather that he simply wouldn't know what to say, he told the BBC's ClickOnline this week. Clearly a professional sort, Torvalds has no wish to become embroiled in the ongoing war of words that is currently raging between the Linux community and Microsoft. He says he took up the Linux project when he found a lack of features in the operating systems he was using at the time. There's no motivation from the Beast of Redmond behind his work either. As he tells the BBC, there's no point undertaking a project out of malice as it usually ends in bad results.

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