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11:51 EST/16:51 GMT | News Source:
Washington Post |
Posted By: Byron Hinson |
Windows XP is about to hit its first birthday, and Microsoft is celebrating in characteristic fashion -- with a "service pack" update that combines previously released bug fixes, security patches and other enhancements with one new feature. It's not the most exciting piece of software you will install this year, but it's something that a lot of people will have to deal with sooner or later. It's also a somewhat depressing example of business as usual in Redmond.
#1 By
415 (
9/16/2002 12:25:16 PM
Just another dipshit complaining about things he doesn't understand...
#2 By
4209 (
9/16/2002 2:31:21 PM
Bob670, so look at the size oif Novell's SP's or Apple's. MS is not the only one with large service packs. Also remember that the SP has all the fixes since the release of XP. So if you are doing a fresh install you do not have to go back and update everything individually.
The only thing I hated about the SP was that it hosed my wifes Home install. Which just gave me a chance to upgrade her to Pro, nothing was lost and the install is actually running faster than the Home version, and her wireless connectio comes up a hell of a lot faster than it did in Home.
#3 By
135 (
9/16/2002 5:19:58 PM
acarrington - I tend to agree. The functionality is now there, it works well, it's easy to interface into and it will work for any app. You could even recompile Mosaic to work with the system, if you really wanted to.
bob670 - Hey look on the bright side. At least XPSP1 is free even if you have to download 133 Megs. With MacOSX 10.2 you have to pay $133! :)
rawprr - In my experience the people who bash Unix the most are the ones who have had the unfortunate experience of using it. I installed Linux for the first time in 1992, I thought I was pretty l33t when I first used it. Then sometime in 1996 I came to my senses.
#4 By
1845 (
9/16/2002 6:41:42 PM
Linux running DirectX. That'll be the day.
ravprr, I only began using Solaris, HPUX, and Linux in 2000. I still quite a gree with sodablue on the matter. Oh, and "redundant" isn't the word you were looking for. "Outdated" would fit much more nicely into your sentence.
#5 By
1845 (
9/16/2002 7:10:31 PM
#6 By
135 (
9/16/2002 8:18:15 PM
rawprr - The look and feel of the desktop has changed quite a bit with Linux since 2000, but the fundamental problems still remain. I've tried recent Redhat and Debian distributions and things haven't changed much in 10 years. It's kind of funny, but then I don't think the Linux developers are willing to grasp what the fundamental problems are, they just think if they can mimick Windows everything will be ok.
#7 By
1845 (
9/16/2002 10:20:18 PM
SP1, Hotmail, and OE. I haven't tried it with OE, but I haven't had any issues with Outlook 2002.
OK, I just tried it in OE and didn't have any problems.
Good luck!
#8 By
2459 (
9/16/2002 11:39:40 PM
"...Windows, in which is inferior to MacOS X."
I won't even bother. :-0
I will, however, give a glimpse of the mind of a Mac user. :-)
Subject: F***ing PCs
Last night i was watching tv. The simpsons.
I like that show.
It's funny.
Then came the commercials.
I saw a copy off of the new imac.
That's not all.
Beside it was the new apple imac.
They said "Our new Gateway computer is an all-in-one design, like the apple imac. Only ours is better. It has more RAM. It is faster. It has Windows XP preinstalled!
Also ours is cheaper. So buy OUR computer! $800. PS. We Suck!"
ok that ps wasn't there, but i wish it was.
To me that is racist. Macintosh is like my race.
I hope they won't sell. You can't move the screen around. I'll get a pic of that computer tomorrow.
Sad, ain't it? :-)
#9 By
135 (
9/16/2002 11:58:22 PM
chozsun: I haven't had any need for Unix for about 4 years now. The compilers, editors, networking tools and so forth are all available on Windows and in many cases better. I do still have a Sparcstation sitting in my office, just in case. Mainly just use it to run Oracle 8i and a netrek server on for experimentation.
Ok, so now I'm going to bash Linux some more, since we seem to have drawn a crowd.
Want to talk about service and support? Linux vendors can't make money selling software, they are going to make it up in fixing bugs and integration consulting. Or so we've been told, they've yet to actually earn a profit on declining revenues.
Redhat 7.3(their latest) ships with KDE 3.0.0. Says so right in the package list:
Back in month or so ago a security alert was issued for KDE versions up to and including 3.0.2. This was much heralded by the Open Source community because a fix was supposedly available within 90 minutes(actually it took 3 weeks for the KDE team to generate new binaries). Microsoft was much derided because it took them like 4 weeks to issue a patch for a similar issue in Windows.
To this day, Redhat still has yet to even acknowledge this security problem much less provide a fix for their users.
Why is that? The KDE team has already done most of the work... Hell, they did it in the first 90 minutes.
Honestly, I don't have a big problem with Linux... I have huge issues with the zealots who go around the internet promoting it.
#10 By
135 (
9/16/2002 11:59:47 PM
n4cer: I find that Gateway commercial absolutely hilarious! I've never been a Gateway fan, but that commercial makes me want to support that company all the more. :)
I especially like when it gives the iMac a rasberry at the end!
#11 By
143 (
9/17/2002 12:04:25 AM
I have a New Gateway with XP Pro in it and I’m having no problems.
Now at work our computer techs tried to use Linux systems and they had no luck. So, they called in some programmers to save there butts the programmers had no luck.
Now all our work computers use Windows 2000 Pro with no problems.
Maybe in the distant future Linux may work but now the jury is still out.
#12 By
1845 (
9/17/2002 1:05:31 AM
n4cer, I must have respect for you. I never thought I'd find myself reading mac forums. I read a page or so and that same fellow you quoted about also praised Tom Green. That's two strikes against him in my book. An almost strike three, he almost attacked Eminem. His only redeeming statement is that the Simpson's is a good show. : - )
#13 By
1845 (
9/17/2002 1:06:13 AM
Anyone have a link to the gateway commercials?
#14 By
2459 (
9/17/2002 2:15:03 AM
I'd also like to see the commercials.
It's funny how they think the Switch commercials are great, but get upset at Gateway for selling a computer based on factual information. It's not like the iMac was the first all-in-one LCD computer. PC companies have been doing those for years. Will they react the same way if Apple produces a computer that has all of the components except the monitor embedded in the keyboard, or makes one about the size of a CD case. (both already available from PC makers). The Gateway in question doesn't even resemble an iMac, yet they hope Apple sues Gateway. http://www.gateway.com/home/products/hm_dtp_prf4.shtml
One place Apple screwed up with the iMac -- they didn't make the screen so it could rotate between landscape and portrait modes (this was available on the PC since the 90s, possible late 80s w/ CRTs, now some LCDs, TabletPC, possibly Mira)
#15 By
1845 (
9/17/2002 5:14:45 AM
John_J_T, some people just like to argue. It isn't that they care, per se, so much about their opinion. It is the contention that drives them.