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13:11 EST/18:11 GMT | News Source:
ZDNet |
Posted By: Byron Hinson |
If Microsoft's handling of digital-rights management in its new Media Center PCs is any indication, Redmond is perfectly happy to sell out its customers to keep the entertainment industry happy. What I'm talking about are features built into Windows XP Media Center Edition that let some next-generation PCs act like TiVo-esque personal video recorders (PVRs). The first Media Center machines, due before Christmas from HP, also come with a DVD burner. That combination means you can copy TV programs you've recorded using the PVR features from your hard drive to DVD.
#1 By
1845 (
9/9/2002 2:58:53 PM
You'd rather the company roll over and play dead to the pirates that have been stealing their software for more than twenty years? And also have the music and movie industries play dead and ignore the fact that they have been getting robbed for years as well? There is nothing that is the least bit frightening about DRM any more than it is frightening that DVD's are region encoded.
I hope you wouldn't find yourself on the switch site. So far the commercials I've seen make the "switched" customers look like fools.
#2 By
3653 (
9/9/2002 3:28:09 PM
This is no more restrictive than Tivo. But its Microsoft, so everyone points a finger (the middle one) at them.
JeffChapnet, don't believe all the hype...
For your #1: It affects you to the tune of 5 extra clicks the first time you install a LEGAL OS. For 99% of the population, thats the extent of it.
For your #2: C'mon, have you changed ANYTHING because of the EULA? Really, has it caused you even the slightest amount of work or change of behavior? Doubtful.
For your #3: "ridiculously-protected"? Give me a break. This is a LOGICAL next step in the evolution of music. Without safeguards, the honest folks out there will not be able to ever move beyond current capabilities... because the content providers will never be foolish enough to give away THEIR property. The only people that have a problem with DRM are those that are inclined to steal (er, I mean SHARE... as it is so oft mistitled). DRM and copyright protection are good things, except to those dishonest amongst us.
Oh, and TechLarry, if you are reading this... go back and read
I never accused you of anything. Did I name you anywhere in my posts? Perhaps, my commentary hit a little too close to home for you though. Neverfear, DRM will be on your precious Mac too.
This post was edited by mooresa56 on Monday, September 09, 2002 at 15:30.
#3 By
135 (
9/9/2002 4:38:51 PM
I agree DELTA that it is unfair.
Which is why I'm not going to be buying media that way. I prefer my hard copy CD and DVDs anyway.
#4 By
1845 (
9/9/2002 5:03:48 PM
I think you are dead right, Delta, there is a lot of work to do with DRM.
As I see it, the only way that DRM will really work well, is if entities (from a United States perspective, this would likely be anything that is identified be either a TaxID# or a social security number) are issued licenses. As an entity you logon to your computer and have rights to use your files according to your licenses. If someone else logs on, they may or may not have such rights. If you move your files to a new computer, that is not an issue, because the license to your files applies not to hardware identifiers, but to the entities username/password.
#5 By
5444 (
9/9/2002 5:51:58 PM
Actually it is much more involved.
Look at Music for isntance.
Even in the Older CD standard which is substandard in todays capabilities. part of the reason for DVD Audio.
But If you buy a CD now, you can legally back a copy of that CD for archiving purposes.
In fair use. you can take that same CD and make a remix of it. Or a combinations of cd's to make a remix.
Now the legalites in the latter become an Issue. If you do make a remix, it would be illegal to take that remix and loan it out to a friend. because you still have the originals. Now you using them for your own use is different.
But back to the original. If I have a CD and I make a remix and transfer it from One Medium (CD to MP3) and play that MP3 in a MP3 player, I am still in the legal realm of fair use. As long as you don't play the MP3 and the CD at the same time.
And that is the Issue of FairUse.
Things I am looking at doing for a Media Center is a distribution jukebox for the house. I can do this in 1 of 2 ways. I can put in several DVD Players and play each dvd in a juke box format, Or copy the movies in the MPEG format to a HDD and distribute from the same system.
Either way would be legal in fairuse. But with DRM that may be next to impossible to do once it is implemented.
Or take the media from Internet to Device. I should be able to use that file on any device I operate. from a player in the Car to a MP3 player to a computer, etc etc. That is allowed in fair use now.
Timeshifting or recording of Material from OTA and Cable is a common fair use practice now.
Cable you are paying a monthly access fee to optain teh material, and is also covered by
advertisor fees.
While I do believe that DRM is a good thing, the Big picture in what is in use today and what has been allowed in Fair Use and has standing legal presidence is things to be looked at.
For example, the MPAA gets Money on every Video Tape that is sold as a royalty in its percieved loss of people recording off of OTA and Cable. Now they want more money from other media in their percieved loss.
Another example is the difference between Internet Broadcasters and OTA radio broadcasters. Why should Internet Radio Operators have to pay more per user than the OTA radio operator??
This is important, because within 10 years, I doubt you go and buy a premixed CD or a DVD any longer, You will go and Download it from the Local store or if you have a fast broadband you will download it at home. If the DVD is limited to the Device that it was downloaded to then the percieved practice of Fair Use today would be in violation of precedence today.
Remeber, Some RIAA members have already lost lawsuits to Copy Protection that prevented and even locked UP Mac systems. And Users that went to make a MP3 from a Copy Protected CD and were not able to.
#6 By
1845 (
9/9/2002 9:08:23 PM
Other bob, Product Activation has everything to do with Microsoft protecting itself. If you'll note the is the first point of the first post. It is to that point that I referred.
The monopoly only exists because the public continues to buy the product. There is a rediculously easy way to remove the monopoly from Microsoft's hands - create a superior product and market it just as fiercely as Microsoft markets Windows.
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