#14, yes I will go get the new rate, but I will not get the 2% diference for the last couple of months back. You will get your free remote if you go buy a new X-Box. Think of it this way, you buy a car and it does not have the option for a moonroof, but the next model year does and you really wanted that moonroof and it is a standard feature. What do you do? You will not get the moonroof if you call the manufacturer and bitch, the only thing you can do is trade up for the new one.
You are talking about two diferent things in your examples, the satelite and the mortgage are services you pay for, not equipment that is paid for once. Services you continue to pay for for a period of time so of course they can be re-negotiated. There is a diference between products and services. If you go buy a new stove from Sears and month later they offer it with a set of pans, you do not get those pans after the fact. It is all the luck of the draw, they lower prices and add rebates to draw more buyers, if you already own one that is your tough luck, you should not have been an early adopter. This is the way business and sales have run since long before any of us were alive, and it will never change. A company bases there profits on there sales, now you want them to give up profit because people bought early when the price was at its peak. They would rather not give rebates or discounts at all then to do this, and then you would be after them for that. You just have to live with it.