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  Announcing the "Asheron's Call 2 Name That Monster Contest"
Time: 13:08 EST/18:08 GMT | News Source: Microsoft | Posted By: Byron Hinson

Microsoft Game Studios and Turbine Entertainment Software Corp. today announced that "Asheron's Call 2" fans will have the chance to participate in the making of their next massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) through the "Asheron's Call 2 Name That Monster Contest." Those who enter will be able to submit name proposals for one of the game's boss monsters. In addition to having their name selection edged into the lore of "Asheron's Call 2," the winner will receive a beta account. The crew at Turbine will judge and choose the winning name, which will be announced at a later date.

The boss monster is based upon the Ero-bal, a unique creature race in the game. The Ero-bal are Tumerok undead who have lived on Dereth in secret for millennia. They continue to accrue new members, either through appealing to the individual's greed or vanity, or through compulsion. The Ero-bal (a Tumerok spiritual term roughly meaning "prolonged grief") are also sometimes created when the graves of Tumerok are disturbed. There are Ero-bal for each caste of Tumerok as described in "Asheron's Call Dark Majesty," such as Rea-bal hunters, Awaro-bal warriors, and even mighty Tahro-bal chiefs.

To see what this race looks like, and to enter the contest, visit the "Asheron's Call 2" Insider site at:

"Asheron's Call 2," the sequel to the popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) "Asheron's Call," will advance the MMORPG genre with the advanced Turbine Engine G2 graphics engine, providing some of the most sophisticated graphics available on a PC. Scheduled for U.S. release this winter, "Asheron's Call 2" features a dynamic, evolving fantasy world that reacts to players' behavior and actions. Developed by Turbine Entertainment Software Corp., the game includes features such as a revamped combat system and new in-depth crafting system that gives players a chance to pursue noncombative skills.

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