Intel Corporation today introduced its first generation of the Intel® Xeon™ processors based on the NetBurst™ architecture previously known as Foster. The processors will initially target high-performance and mid-range, dual-processor enabled workstations and ship at frequencies up to 1.7 GHz. Workstations based on Intel's new Xeon processors use the Intel NetBurst microarchitecture to deliver processing power for video, audio and the latest Internet technologies and 3-D graphics. The Intel Xeon processor platform is based on the high-performance Intel® 860 Chipset. This chipset features dual RDRAM memory banks to complement the Intel Xeon's 400 MHz system bus, which provides up to 3.2 gigabytes of data per second. The Intel Xeon processor at 1.7 GHz is priced at $406, the 1.5 GHz version at $309 and the 1.4 GHz at $268 in 1,000-unit quantities. All have 256 KB level 2 Advanced Transfer Cache.