I've just posted my complete review on the latest revolutionnary mouse recently introduced in brass-band by Logitech. This cordless mouse is teamed up with an optical sensor for an incredible accuracy: be sure to read the review to learn how this mouse can change the way you work! Below is a snippet from the review:
When Microsoft introduced a few years ago the first optical mouse on the market, many users wanted an optical mouse that would be cordless to combine the precision of the optical technology to the freedom of movement. The dream is now reality thanks to Logitech, the Swiss founded company, well known for its awesome series of mice. By unleashing this long awaited new kind of mice on the market, Logitech overtakes its eternal competitor named Microsoft. To achieve such a technology marvel, Logitech took its time in order to refine the development process so they can be sure that the autonomy of the final product would be worth of the Logitech’s reputation since the usual weak point of cordless mice has always been power; this can only get worse when you add to it such a power consuming thing like an optical sensor. Indeed if Logitech has a strong know-how in the cordless mice manufacturing field (to date they have sold more than 6 million cordless mice worldwide), they had to create a whole set of new technologies to save power.