I have just posted a Q&A with Rich Geldreich. Rich Geldreich has a rich pedigree in graphics design for game such as Shrek and World Series Baseball, his latest Project. It is a great read and here are a sample below:
What has been your favourite game working on so far?
Definitely Shrek.. Working on an Xbox launch title was one of the most exciting times of my life, and the team behind Shrek was very talented.
It was also cool to work on one of the first (if not the first) Xbox games to use deferred shading, which is a rendering technique that completely decouples shading from scene rendering. Shrek always renders the scene a constant number of times, no matter how many lights are present. All lighting calculations are performed using 2D screenspace rendering passes, so the Shrek engine can (theoretically) shade a 10 million triangle scene as quickly as a 1,000,000 or 100,000 triangle scene. This is one of the reasons why Shrek looks so different from other Xbox games.