John has posted his review of the Monolith Pro 2 Tablet PC. Here is an excerpt:
Tablet PCs are available almost everywhere today, from everyday stores (drug stores and discount stores) to electronic stores to online retailers. Everyone seems to have a table of some sort, and tablets are becoming less a scifi prop and more of a daily use utensil, replacing laptop computers for many. Apple is the current leader of the pack, with 4 out of every 5 tablets being an IPAD. They have 2 releases of the IPad on the market with hundreds of thousands of applications and millions of users; it is a force to be reckoned with following Apple is Google Android, which is showing up everywhere, with everyone offering them. There are thousands of applications and a few million users, nowhere near what Apple has built, but it is up and coming. RIM just released the Playbook, or as most is calling it a castrated Blackberry. HP released their unit, based upon a reinvented Palm platform, called Web-OS, still really new, with limited availability. These tablets are the major players, at this point in time. Windows based tablets not the new comer to the market, as they may seem or even believed to be. Windows tablets have been around since Windows XP, (there were even OS/2 tablets), but most see them as a small item with no real market point. This leaves only 2 ways to go, and based upon the new entries into the market, it looks like up is the direction of choice.