Weve discussed several areas of Memory Management in our blog since we started. Today, were going to take a look at Pool Tags and how they can be used to identify the source of Pool Memory leaks. A pool tag is a four-byte character that is associated with a dynamically allocated chunk of pool memory. The tag is specified by a driver when it allocates the memory. The routine ExAllocatePoolWithTag is called to allocate pool memory. There are three parameters that are specified when this routine is called:
- PoolType: This specifies the type of pool memory to allocate Paged or NonPaged pool.
- NumberofBytes: This is self-explanatory and specifies the number of bytes to allocate for the memory request
- Tag: This specifies the pool tag. The tag is a four-byte character as we mentioned above, and is stored (and sometimes displayed) in reverse order known as little-endian. So if our driver made a request to allocate memory with the tag Fred, it appears as derF in a pool dump. The ASCII value of each character in the tag must be between 0 and 127 so in our example, the ASCII value as seen in the registry would be 0x64657246.