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  Linux for the masses
Time: 11:09 EST/16:09 GMT | News Source: MSNBC | Posted By: Robert Stein

By now everyone knows, or should know, about Linux. But while the freeware operating system continues to make inroads powering servers all over the world, the personal computer market has been tougher to crack. Now, however, there’s a Linux that’s as mindless to install as Microsoft’s Windows. LINUX FOR THE MASSES comes courtesy of Lycoris, which, like a certain other software company, is based in Redmond, Wash. In fact, Lycoris used to be called Redmond Linux and that name survives in what pops up on your screen when its operating system, Desktop/LX, begins booting.

Historically, Windows has been somewhat easier to install on a desktop computer than Linux. (I know I’ll receive a lot of e-mail about this.) In the early days, you had to know a lot about your computer to install either one. Since then, both operating systems have become a lot easier to install, with Windows getting the slight edge in the “pressing-the-button-and-walking-away” category, if not in speed.

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