There is little doubt that 64-bit architectures are the future, as far as the parallel evolution of processors and operating systems goes. But when it comes down to Windows, the 32-bit version of the platform will survive not only with Windows Vista, but also with Windows 7. At this point in time, among the scarce details made available by Microsoft about the forthcoming iteration of Windows, to follow Vista, the only sure thing is that Windows 7 will come in both 32-bit and 64-bit flavors.
According to estimates from the Redmond company, by mid 2008, the install base of the Windows operating system would surpass the 1 billion milestone worldwide. But the vast majority of those
Windows copies will still be 32-bit, largely just Windows XP and Windows Vista. On the server side, Microsoft is preparing to ship the last 32-bit operating system with Windows Server 2008. The same is not valid with Vista, but perhaps maybe it will be with Windows 7.