With their latest movie, Jackass 2.5, the studio is trying a transformational new approach to movie distribution. Instead of relying on box-office revenue, they have partnered with Blockbuster to make it available for free directly over the Internet, funded through advertising.
This is an Internet first - an online premiere of a full-length feature film, distributed exclusively using Silverlight and a rich media content distribution network provided by Limelight Networks and Microsoft. Blockbuster anticipates that this will drive millions of streams over the next couple of weeks, and their choice of Silverlight over alternative competitors is evidence of its ability to provide a powerful and reliable solution for a high-volume project. Silverlight is taking off - we're seeing downloads of the 1.0 plug-in rise exponentially over the last few weeks as many big sites go live.
Jackass 2.5 will be available online, right here, free to anyone in the US aged 17 or older, between December 19th and December 31st, 2007. It's exclusive to Silverlight at first, and then will be made available for sale online.