Windows Server 2008, when it arrives on the scene early next year, will come with a host of new features and functionality. Upgrades like improved clustering support, better Terminal Services and enhanced Group Policy make it an easy win for many IT managers. But one enhancement to Windows Server 2008 that's getting a lot of attention is Server Manager.
Compared to your father's operating system, Windows Server 2008 goes far into consolidating many previously separated administrative consoles. Integrating a central wizard-driven interface for installing and uninstalling server components along with many management functions, Server Manager helps systems administrators tailor their servers just the way they want them.
There are major differences in relation to how you'll be working with your servers once you move to Windows Server 2008. First, with security being a major Microsoft focus in this operating system, you'll find a big change in what is installed onto a basic instance of Windows Server 2008 - essentially nothing.