I have seen a conversation taking place in one of the online forums about how Microsoft Office is licensed and how secondary use rights fits in. To that end, I thought I would post this information here to address the question and for others to use in their understanding of this. Here are the basics: -
Microsoft Office is licensed on a per device bases. What this means is you need a Microsoft Office license for every device that is going to run Office. -
Microsoft Office is not licensed on a concurrent basis, which means it is not based on the number of devices running Office at one given time, it is based on the total number of devices that run Office. For instance, if you have 10 PCs in your company and want to run Office on all of them; however, only 5 PCs will use Office at any one given time, you will need 10 Microsoft Office licenses since you have 10 total devices that will run Office, not just 5. -