The Visual Studio International Pack contains a set of class libraries designed for .NET developers to create world-ready applications. The Visual Studio International Pack 1.0 release provides the following seven components to enhance the globalization features provided by .NET Framework.
- East Asia Numeric Formatting Library - Format numeric data into Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese and Korean capital style string.
- Japanese Kana Conversion Library - Convert one Kana character set to another character representation in Japanese.
- Japanese Text Alignment Library - Enable applications to render strings in Japanese-specific alignment style.
- Japanese Yomi Auto-Completion Library - Provide class library and TextBox control sample that support Japanese IME-aware auto-complete.
- Korean Auto Complete TextBox Control - Provide TextBox control that supports auto-complete and the Intellisense feature with Korean input.
- Simplified Chinese Pin-Yin Conversion Library - Retrieve Simplified Chinese characters' properties such as polyphone, homophone, Pinyin or number of strokes.
- Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese Conversion Library and Add-In Tool - Convert text in Traditional Chinese into Simplified Chinese or vice versa. This component also includes an add-in tool to the in VS IDE that can convert between Simplified and Traditional Chinese resource files.