Cache is used to reduce the performance impact when accessing data that resides on slower storage media. Without it your PC would crawl along and become nearly unusable. If data or code pages for a file reside on the hard disk, it can take the system 10 milliseconds to access the page. If that same page resides in physical RAM, it can take the system 10 nanoseconds to access the page. Access to physical RAM is about 1 million times faster than to a hard drive. It would be great if we could load up all the contents of the hard drive into RAM, but that scenario is cost prohibitive and dangerous. Hard disk space is far less costly and is non-volatile (the data is persistent even when disconnected from a power source).
Since we are limited with how much RAM we can stick in a box, we have to make the most of it. We have to share this crucial physical resource with all running processes, the kernel and the file system cache. You can read more about how this works here