In just a couple of weeks, we'll be ready to publish the Release Candidate of Silverlight 1.0 to the web. We're in the final stages of stabilization as we close in on launch; fixing the last few bugs, doing detailed security penetration testing work, resolving any remaining inconsistencies and completing the last fit and finish work.
As Joe Stegman intimates in his recent blog posting, there are a few breaking changes between the beta and release candidate. Moving forward, the API is stable: there should be no further breaking changes between the release candidate and the final release. If you've already released a Silverlight application today based on the beta, we wanted to give you some advanced warning and ability to prepare for the RC so that your page isn't broken when the release candidate comes out
To that end, we've prepared a special preview SDK release that contains the following items:
- A new silverlight.js file that detects both the beta and the RC version;
- A breaking changes document that highlights differences between the beta and RC;
- An updated Visual Studio template that demonstrates the correct way to embed the new control;
- A EULA that governs legal usage of the above items.