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  International Organization Licenses Microsoft’s New Multicolor Bar Code Technology for Identifying Audiovisual Works
Time: 18:57 EST/23:57 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

Microsoft Corp. and the International Standard Audiovisual Number International Agency (ISAN-IA) today announced an agreement whereby ISAN-IA has licensed Microsoft’s new High Capacity Color Barcode (HCCB) technology developed by Microsoft Research to assist in the identification of commercial audiovisual works such as motion pictures, video games, broadcasts, digital video recordings and other media.

The ISAN-IA, which coordinates a globally recognized identification system for audiovisual works, will make the Microsoft®-developed bar code available to other organizations for use in tracking, helping protect and manage their audiovisual content. The new multicolor bar code is expected to start appearing on DVD media toward the end of 2007. ISAN-IA also said several of its registration agencies will use the innovative technology to help their customers derive more accountability and value from their media asset libraries.

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