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  Why Microsoft should open-source SQL Server and SharePoint
Time: 12:20 EST/17:20 GMT | News Source: ZDNet | Posted By: Robert Stein

Stephen Walli, the former Microsoft exec turned open-source proponent, is at it again. This time, the former Softie is making a case for why Microsoft should consider open-sourcing some of its crown jewels, including SQL Server and SharePoint. And he's got a few reasons that might make even closed-source proponents reconsider their business-model philosophies. Walli isn't any ordinary Linux lover. He worked for Microsoft, following Redmond's acquisition of Softway Systems, a company that developed an environment that allowed the rehosting of Unix applications on top of Windows NT, and of which Walli was a founder. (Softway's Interix environment morphed, over time, into Microsoft's Services for Unix technology.)

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