I have posted up
my review of Microsoft's latest add-on for the Xbox 360. This time it is the HD-DVD
Player. Here is a piece from the review:
The resolution on HD-DVD titles is 1920x1080, that is around six times
the amount of information that a DVD held, the brand new high definition codecs
that are being used also work far better, these are one of the main reasons you
will see less and less blocks appearing on screen and far better picture quality
throughout. To get the full 1920x1080 resolution out of the Xbox 360 HD-DVD drive
you have to have the VGA cable, you can still get 720p resolutions from component
cables, but for the full HD experience a VGA cable is a must. In our tests on a
1080p setup, these isn’t a massive difference between that and 720p, obviously though,
the larger the screen, the better it is to have 1080p output. I also find that the
VGA cable from Microsoft is the best way to view HD-DVD’s and for gaming on the
system too in my mind. In component it tends to overdo the colours, while VGA is
almost perfect.