There are a lot of rumors this week about Microsoft’s anticipated iPod Killer. This is a product built by Microsoft that utilizes WiFi as the syncing link and is tied to a new iTunes-like service that could be easily accessed anyplace the iPod Killer could connect to a WiFi hot spot. This would allow the device to store music and video—much like the iPod does—and to stream it, which is something the iPod can’t do. It would also allow you to actually buy music right from the device—much like you can with the cell phone —and not require a PC as part of the process.
At least, that is the rumor, but we don’t have specifics beyond that. So, could this device take out the iPod? If it could, it would create an interesting event where, on the Operating System front, Apple may have beat Microsoft to market with Leopard, while on the MP3 front, Microsoft has hit Apple equally hard.