While this wont entirely surprise the majority of the readers, like most Xbox titles, this game is very sound graphically. The jets themselves are constructed in meticulous detail, from the engines to the nose. While you dont have to worry about moving the flaps and the rudders yourself, they do animate on the planes as you are zipping around in the sky. Weve all seen jets constructed nicely before, though. Of real interest here are the areas you fly around and over. Mountains look like mountains, bases are crawling with buildings and towers, and the desert is&well, sandy. The horizons stretch out far, which is always crucial in a flight game. Everything is in a sharp resolution, and frame rate problems are non-existent. The smoke and lighting effects are worth mentioning as well, with the bright desert sun standing out in particular. While this game wont be winning any awards as the best-looking Xbox game, it looks very good, and as an indicator of what we may see from Konami in the future, its highly promising.