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  MSN Search Announces MSN Book Search
Time: 01:20 EST/06:20 GMT | News Source: Microsoft Press Release | Posted By: Jonathan Tigner

MSN Search today announced its intention to launch MSN® Book Search, which will support MSN Search’s efforts to help people find exactly what they’re looking for on the Web, including the content from books, academic materials, periodicals and other print resources. MSN Search intends to launch an initial beta of this offering next year. MSN also intends to join the Open Content Alliance (OCA) ( and work with the organization to scan and digitize publicly available print materials, as well as work with copyright owners to legally scan protected materials.

“With MSN Book Search, we are excited to be working with libraries worldwide to digitize and index information from the world’s printed materials, taking another step in our efforts to better answer people’s questions with trusted content from the best sources,” said Christopher Payne, corporate vice president of MSN Search at Microsoft Corp. “We believe people will benefit from the ability to not just view a page, but to easily act on that data in contextually relevant ways, both online in the search experience and in the applications they are using.”

MSN will first make available books that are in the public domain and is working with the Internet Archive ( to digitize the material. MSN will then work to extend its offering to other types of offline content. The digitized content will primarily be print material that has not been copyrighted, and Microsoft will clearly respect all copyrights and work with each partner providing the information to work out mutually agreeable protections for copyrights.

MSN Book Search will help address the fact that over 50 percent of people’s online queries go unanswered today on search engines, according to internal Microsoft® research. This effort will enrich people’s search experiences, allowing them to access and interact with previously unavailable digitized data in contextually relevant ways, such as facilitating book club interactions or informal family reading, indexing images, or using graphics, keywords and other features to allow for better and faster retrieval of information.

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