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  Microsoft monopoly will wane, experts say
Time: 06:15 EST/11:15 GMT | News Source: E-Mail | Posted By: Chris Hedlund

Whither mighty Microsoft Corp.? Don't dump your stocks in the software giant, experts warn. But they also say the ``days of Microsoft's hegemony may soon be over,'' according to a new report by Framingham-based ComputerWorld. ``What you might see is an 800-pound gorilla on steroids (today) and five years from now it might be a 400-pound gorilla on vitamins,'' said Don Tennant, editor of ComputerWorld, which recently held a panel discussion among experts about the future of the information-technology sector. The increasing competition from Linux open-source technologies, Apple Computer Inc. and Internet-focused companies will slowly chip away at the Redmond, Wash.-based behemoth's dominance, Tennant said.

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