It's not uncommon for different consoles to feature the same game; cross-platform titles are seen very often from companies like Midway, Acclaim, and Activision. The problem comes along when a title doesn't take full advantage of a consoles capabilities and even when it does, that might not be enough for gamers to consider buying the game; just because the game looks better overall, if the gameplay remains the same, there's really not a huge incentive to grab it. Capcom's another well-known company for bringing all their wonderful titles across all-platforms and they're no exception to this rule; a good example would be Resident Evil: Code Veronica as the PS2 versions featured no new gameplay elements that made it different from the Dreamcast version. With the announcement of Genma Onimusha, Xbox gamers weren't too overly thrilled that they would be getting another PS2 hand-me down Capcom. Well, that's not the case and if anything, Genma Onimusha's additions to the graphics and gameplay make it both a totally new gaming experience and is probably how Capcom originally wanted the first Onimusha to be.