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  Warner Lashes Out at EB for Street-Date Violation
Time: 18:06 EST/23:06 GMT | News Source: Video Store Magazine | Posted By: David Gasior

In a surprise move, Warner Home Video (WHV) has suspended all future shipments of product to Electronics Boutique Games (EB), a West Chester, Pa.-based video game chain with more than 1,500 primarily mall-located outlets worldwide. The action comes after EB allegedly released the highly coveted home video of New Line’s The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King May 15, 10 days prior to the $29.95 (SRP) title’s actual street date.

“It’s a very significant title for our industry,” said Jeff Baker, SVP of domestic sales with WHV. “They have stores all over the country in malls. We are not talking about one store in one location, which is why it makes it a very serious offense and why we are going to this length to enforce this policy.” A representative from EB was not immediately available for comment despite numerous calls.

Baker said that despite repeated requests that EB remove the movie from its store shelves, discontinue further sales and verification that the title had not been pulled from shelves prompted WHV’s decision to act. According to Baker, several EB retailers contacted said the title was “blowing out of the stores,” but refused to remove it from store shelves, citing corporate policy.

“There is clearly some premeditation here,” said Baker, alluding to the film’s appeal with EB’s clientele of hard-core gamers. “Obviously [Return of the King] is right up their alley.”

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