- DOWNLOAD: MemoBook Notes [20K] Win9x/2k/XP IE6 FREE To use it requires creating a login ID and password so you can access it from any computer anywhere. Unfortunately, it doesn't do any good to create a sticky note with the ID and password as you'll need it to get to the sticky notes. What makes this one unique from other sticky notes programs is that you access it from within the IE browser in the left pane and it alphabetically sorts them by assigned keywords plus the ability to access them from anywhere. Aw, darn. It doesn't work with MyIE and only works with IE 6.
- DOWNLOAD: SigJenny v0.989 [2.6M] Win9x/2k/XP FREE Create an oscilloscope by deselecting the mute for the input and output while the mic is selected and adjusting the sliders as necessary. Play with the frequency and duration settings and then use the output slider to adjust the speakers to view a frequency response. I hope I'm not overexerting my cheap mic with this hard workout. SigJenny generates frequency in the audio range and creates waveforms.