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  States Warn Of Rift In Microsoft Case
Time: 05:05 EST/10:05 GMT | News Source: CNET | Posted By: Julien Jay

Two of the biggest states party to the federal government's antitrust case against Microsoft warned on Friday they might pursue their own sanctions against the software giant if they conclude the U.S. Justice Department is going too easy on the company. A day after government attorneys said they had dropped the idea of pushing to break up Microsoft, New York Attorney General Elliot Spitzer and California Attorney General Bill Lockyer insisted that the U.S. government take a close look at Microsoft's upcoming Windows XP operating system before proposing a new remedy to rein in the company. Spitzer and Lockyer, among the most outspoken of the 18 attorneys general in the case, issued a statement demanding that Windows XP "receive close scrutiny in arriving at a judicially ordered remedy.'' The two attorneys general said they "will, if necessary to protect the public, press for remedies that go beyond those requested by the Department of Justice.''

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