Neon PS2 Evangelion
Robot Alchemic Drive is the anime-mech lover’s dream come true: a slow, deliberately paced robot-fighting sim that puts you in control of a little anime human who commands an enormous, lumbering, Japanese-city-defending humanoid machine against things from beyond the Nectar Barrier. Sure, robot fighting’s been done before—but never quite like this.
R.A.D. Stroke of Genius #1: Battles take place entirely from a human-eye point of view. You position your character (equipped with handy anti-grav device) wherever you feel you’ll get the best view of the battle—be it atop a tall skyscraper, on your robot’s shoulder, or standing at his feet—and the game perfectly mimics the Godzilla oh-my-god-that-enormous-foot-is-about-to-crush-me perspective. City blocks collapse with a perfect sense of weight, gravity, scale, and destructive sound; giant mechanical bodies hurl through the air with eerie, measured realism; giant mechanoids make weird noises that would make Godzilla cringe.