During the Microprocessor Forum here today, Intel Corp. described a few more details of its next-generation mobile microprocessor, including plans to push the chip down to the 90-nm (0.09-micron) node in the second half of 2003.
For months, Intel has been hyping the new mobile processor, code-named Banias. Slated for introduction in the first quarter of 2003, the initial Banias chip is a 0.13-micron device that is expected to operate at 1.4-, 1.5-, and 1.6-GHz, according to analysts.
The company is also developing 90-nm versions of the processor, said Mooly Eden, director of Intel's Israel Design Center, the R&D site for the Banias project. “Banias will also be manufactured at 90-nm,” Eden said during a presentation at the Microprocessor Forum.
The 90-nm Banias chip is reportedly due out in the second half of 2003, according to Intel's roadmap. The company is also developing a 90-nm desktop processor, code-named “Prescott.”